Jaeger Fisks Dyer

Jaegar administers a smackdown to Gwynn Dyer.
For my American friends unfamiliar with Gwynn Dyer – imagine you were able to cross Michael Moore with Robert Fisk. (It is strongly recommended that your imagination first provide an airlock, protective suit and robot arms.)
When the resulting organism emerges from the ooze, lobotomize it, and give it a Canadian passport. With that, the creature will become completely self-sustaining as it moves into its natural niche as a military analyst for the CBC.
Don’t believe me?

7 Replies to “Jaeger Fisks Dyer”

  1. Well, I quit reading Fisk and Dyer years ago… I was concerned because I was WAY too cheery after reading about the beating Fisk took; it just ain’t natural to take pleasure from that.
    Love the photos, and hello from California.

    As an Expat-Canuck I’d sort of forgotten about this buffoon. Thanks for reminding me. It was sort of like when I went back to Canada in 2002 and was shocked to find Mike Dullard was STILL on TV…
    Anyways I thank you for yet another really effective cure for home sickness.

  3. The emerging from the ooze part suggests a new conclusory sentence:
    Whom do you serve?

