Tour Guide

Spent much of the day acting as amateur tour guide and ice-breaker for an out of province reporter doing a feature article on Saskatchewan.
His identity shall remain confidential, so long as the payments continue….
Took a few photos of my own while we were out on the backroads.
This old storefront is a photographer’s dream. I can’t get enough of it, and will probably do something in watercolor. Today, I risked my neck to the potential of falling broken glass shards and peeked inside.
And just across the street, this;
Colour gravity. Draws me in every time.
Added to today’s traffic jam.

6 Replies to “Tour Guide”

  1. Anyone who enjoys ghost towns or abandoned old buildings should check out Virginia City, Montana (SE of Butte on secondary highway 287), if the opportunity arises. There was a gold rush there during the American Civil War and a famous episode of vigilante justice against the crooked sheriff and his band of robbers. Check the old Ernest Haycox novel “Alder Gulch”, if you can locate a copy.

  2. Nice eye on those Kate!
    When I was up in Uranium City last – the empty “lost” buldings were quite something to see up there as well. Often wish I took the time to take more pictures of them.

  3. Wow, pretty spectacular. An endless panorama of grey sky punctuated by outposts of haunting mysteries connected with ghosts and an enigmatic past that refuses to die.
    By the way, I answered one of your posts over at the shotgun. Although I signed it Greg in Dallas, the truth is I live 80 miles away from Dallas (I thought more people could relate to a city they knew). Granbury actually looks a lot like your town (saw your rodeo pictures).
    More and more I come to believe that with exceptions, we really are one people.

  4. I’ve done a lot of travelling throughout Canada and the US, and the differences north to south are mere nuance, while those east to west are profound.
    I love these old ghost towns (though many
    has more activity than you’d guess at first glance). The province isn’t really this desolate, but there isn’t much incentive for tearing old buildings down like there is more economically active areas, so they hang around for a very long time and develop a great character.

  5. Oops — I forgot to mention that Nevada City (used in Missouri Breaks and Lonesome Dove) is only about a mile from Virginia City. May the Nevada City Vigilance Committee forgive me!
