Can’t Keep His Fat Mouth Shut

Michael Moore had an opinion on the Canadian federal election a few weeks ago…

“Your election comes before ours, and it will be such a blow to those of us trying to get rid of Bush” if Harper wins.
“I’ve spent a lot of time trying to convince Americans that Canadians are smart people, and you’re going to make me look really bad. I really need you to make sure that Mr. Harper does not take over,” Moore reportedly told the crowd of approximately 600 in attendance at the screening.�
Moore said Harper “has a big pair of scissors in his hands and wants to snip away at the social safety net that distinguishes you from us. The primary difference between Canadians and Americans is that you have a general basic ethic that says, ‘We’re all Canadians. We’re all in the same boat, and if one of us doesn’t have health care, we all suffer as a result of that. If one of us isn’t helped when we hit upon hard times, then we all hurt as a result of that.'”
Moore said that the America ethic is “every man for himself. Me me me me me. To let people in your country to have that ethic take over and destroy that thing that makes you wonderfully Canadian is something that must be resisted on June 28 (The Election Day in Canada). “

Here’s your chance to enlighten Mr. Moore about something else that is wonderfully Canadian – limits on speech.

it is an offence for “[Any] person who does not reside in Canada [to], during an election period, in any way induce electors to vote or refrain from voting for a particular candidate unless the person is (a) a Canadian citizen; or (b) a permanent resident.”

On a related topic, Pete Townsend is more than a little annoyed. Michael’s been making stuff up again.
And this is fun, too. This, too.

3 Replies to “Can’t Keep His Fat Mouth Shut”

  1. okay but how come the cbc has a guy in front of the white house everyday saying how the president is so awful and kerry is the right guy and also the stuff with the polls even fox news got a hold of it. explain plz

  2. and another thing the friggin liberal party used footage of our troops and ships in negative campaign adds, somebody tell me its a bad dream. i felt it was cheap

  3. Dex, it is a bad dream. Canadian media outlets are pro-Liberal, and spend as much time as possible pounding out the message, both overtly and subliminally.
    Kathy Tomlinson and Alan Fryer on CTV are just as insipid as the CBC.
