Tough Toke

Evidence that extended use of marijuana can turn you into a whiney tit.
Well, nobody should be surprised. The whole “I want my medical marijuana legalized” campaign has been one long activist whine-fest, long on outrageous claims and short on fact. Hoping they’d metamorphize into grateful recipients by giving them what they want is expecting too much.
No, I have no special sympathy for their suffering. There are too many other suffering people out there who will never recieve bona fide drugs and new treatment protocols because they must first pass rigid safety and effectiveness standards. They will wait, in sickness and pain, and many will not live long enough to recieve them.
Marijuana got a free pass. If you’re using it for medicinal purposes, and think it helps, great. I’m happy for you. But you didn’t want to wait for marijuana to jump through the testing and development hoops that all other drugs must clear, so stop complaining about the quality.

6 Replies to “Tough Toke”

  1. What media bias?

    Tom Brokaw somehow secured the privilege of interviewing the new Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi. You’d think these people would at least have the common sense to keep at bay the likes of Brokaw. The article on MSNBC about the interview is typical.

  2. I think the rest of us ought to complain that the government spent millions growing this crap in a mine, rather then simply asking the Vancouver area RCMP to send them a couple tonnes of high quality stuff confiscated in the daily raids, for free + shipping.
    Or if it’s too much legal annoyance to get stuff out of the lock-up warehouse, have some forest rangers tell you where to go to harvest your own in the woods from an illegal field.
    Has marijuana become the biggest agricultural export from BC yet or is it still second after lumber?

  3. Kate,
    Spot on.
    While pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars each year in R & D, often several hundred million dollars for each drug eventually brought to market, and cover these drugs against litigation spending millions more for liability indemnification and post-marketing surveillance, marijuana is demnaded for with little more than anecdotal claims of efficacy and no safety data.
    And yes, it may very well be that for some people, the effects of marijuana may be beneficial, in some way (although dificult to measure), some of the time. The advocates for medical marijuana are often the same who rail against “Big Pharma” for making drugs that “cost too much”, while at the same time have no difficulty joining in on a class-action money grab claiming they were harmed by a precription drug.

  4. In fairness, there’s probably a risk difference between giving a “traditional herb” to a group already suffering from grievous/terminal disease than to more normal pharmaceutical products.
    If MJ had truly horrid permanent side effects, aside the blindiingly obvious (A joint is smiliar to an unfiltered tobacco cigarette smoke wise, I believe I’ve read), we’d probably know it.

  5. So let me see if i get this…
    Smoking tobacco – icky
    Smoking Ganga – healthy
    Ok – i give up. Really I do.

  6. Actually Fred, a doobie has as much tar as 10 Marlboro reds. It’s significantly worse for the lungs than tobacco.
    Of course none of this matters if you’re terminally ill, or a terminally rebellious leftist who could care less about consequences.
