
Please, let it be true, let it be true….
Elections Canada to Charge Moore

Elections Canada will lay charges against shockumentary filmmaker Michael Moore.
Officially, Elections Canada will neither confirm nor deny plans to lay formal charges against Moore. However, Canadafreepress.com has learned through sources that charges are imminent and expected by the end of next week.
The anti-Bush Moore, who often lets his mouth get ahead of him, may think he got away with the boner of the Canadian release of Fahrenheit 9/11 just days ahead of the June 28 federal election, but there is the little matter of election law infringement.

Two birds with one stone. Bitchslapping Michael Moore with Canadian anti-speech laws. How delicious.

3 Replies to “*Cackle*”

  1. This is a certain refreshing schadenfreude to see the “other” side hoist on it’s own petard, isn’t it.
    We can hope.

  2. He broke the law and he should pay the consequences. Having said that, it’s a stupid law and might be unconstitutional anyway.
