
I’ve been sick all day. Migraine.
Update. Saturday. Still sick. Went to the city and got some medication and a couple litres of fluids by IV. I feel a little better, but not up to staring at a screen and thinking coherent thoughts.
Not too sick to delete a troll, though.

5 Replies to “blah”

  1. Hope your headache is gonzo. You missed a good one today over at Bob Tarantino’s blog.

  2. Pecodan is fun (in small doses)!
    Migaines are never fun.
    Dark. Quiet. No flashing lights (TV!).
    Purrrrr units are good. Maybe small dogs can fill the same role, as long as they don’t go all neurotic and bark at falling leaves…

  3. Kate,
    The fog of migraine, yes.
    There are many patient-oriented migraine information sources available on the Internet.
    Early treatment often yields improved outcome.
    I hope you feel better soon.

  4. Thanks. I’m seemingly back to normal now. This doesn’t happen often, but since this is the second time since the January, I think I’ll get more proactive. Puking for 2 days can be a motivator… and, it makes treatment options more limited.
