Bill Graham

When the competent David Pratt was removed from his brief tenure as Defense Minister when he lost his seat, the pickings for a worthy replacement were slim. Really slim.
Jaeger on the UN-idolizing, Foreign Affairs embarrassment, Bill Graham;

So rather than restoring the Canadian Forces to something resembling a fighting force capable of defending the nation’s interests we will see the Liberal transformation accelerate. Soon we’ll have an army completely disarmed, staffed exclusively with women and homosexuals engaging in social outreach programs in third world countries, if they go abroad at all. I can’t think of a worse time to be a Canadian soldier.

Watch for the Canadian Armed Forces float entry in next year’s Toronto Gay Pride parade.

7 Replies to “Bill Graham”

  1. Gay people have served in Canada’s armed forces for decades and there is no regulation preventing them from dying for their country like any other soldier. Or do we only want heterosexuals to make that sacrifice?

  2. The libs decimate our military about every decade or so. They gutted our intelligence departments which put us in our current quandry. They think of the military as some weekend camp where one goes to earn money for college, and are flabbergasted when it’s put-up or shut-up time.
    Disgusting. I’m glad to see the U.S. isn’t the only country on this continent dealing with that BS.

  3. well at least bill is not prime minister or running for president for the states like kerry now that would a disaster.

  4. I think General George Patton said this. “We don’t want to send our young men over to die for thier country, we want to send them over there to kill the bastards that want to die for thiers”
    With out a properly equipped Canadian military we will be sending them over there to die.

  5. What do you guys know about the military? You know a little about current event and it makes you “the know it all”. Get a life!!!
    I don’t care if Bill is the denfense minister and he is gay. Unless he f**k up his job, what give you the right to complain? I lost an arm in the military, I should be the one to complain first. Try to loose some of your body parts for your country before making useless and hateful message.
