Gwynne Dyer Moves His Lips

Gwynne Dyer explains the root causes of poverty and female illiteracy in the Arab world;

“… President George W. Bush … West … Western nations … the West … France … U.S. troops … Britain … the CIA … It was Britain that carved … joint Anglo-U.S. project. The British Foreign Office … conspired with France and Israel … West … Washington … U.S. foreign aid … Britain …the West’s purposes. The United States and France … The West … the West … the West…”

(I told you so.)
There’s no mention of literacy rates in Israel.
Odd, that.
hat tip- Pol:Spy

2 Replies to “Gwynne Dyer Moves His Lips”

  1. Its not hard to figure out what Dyer’s articles are going to be about after you read the title, same old crap, different day. The West is the cause of all that’s wrong with the world, shame on us all.
