Dots? What Dots?

Steven Taylor addresses today’s questioning (by the NYT, WaPo and others) of the heightened security in New York and Washington succinctly;

The damned-if-do, damned-if-you-don’t nature of the politics and analysis of this type of situation is growing wearisome. On the one hand, dots are supposed to be connected and imagination is supposed to be deployed, yet: don’t cry wolf!

He also has a question for the Washington Post’s Dan Eggen and Dana Priest;

why is there a quote from “a senior law enforcement official” expressing doubts about the alerts in the first three paragraphs of the piece (along with the description of the data as being old), but the quote that notes that the information may have post-9/11 components, along with quotes from officials who think that this may be part of an ongoing plot are all well down the piece?

I can answer that one.
