Under The Media Radar

A “Summer Pulse 04” update?

While it is certainly true that the Pentagon plans for a wide variety of scenarios on a routine basis, the confluence of so many of them based on a conflict with China — during a time when the nation is engaged in a global war against Islamic terrorists and spread very thin by major combat deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, is quite noteworthy.

Go read James Joyner’s Tech Central Station article “The Dragon Stirs
When and if the Taiwan – Chinese situation boils over into full fledged crisis, the critics in the media are going to accuse Bush-Rumsfeld of being asleep at the wheel. That, my friends, will be something called “projection”.
Update – speaking of under-reporting, Wretchard has been following the situation in the Phillipines.

The scene is now set for a possible resurgence of fighting. A glance at the map dramatically illustrates the bind that Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and the Philippine Government have worked themselves into. For the first time in a century, Muslim rebels have established themselves in force on the Mindanao mainland, away from their traditional strongholds of Sulu, Basilan and Tawi-tawi, island groups in the southwest corner of the archipelago. They are positioned on the west side of Mindanao’s breadbasket, the Cotabato valley. The MILF camps guard the the approaches to mountain massifs to the west which then give on the sea, their line of supply. They isolate the predominantly Christian Zamboanga peninsula from Northern Mindanao and essentially cut the huge island in two. The Armed Forces of the Philippines, despite a nominal strength of ten divisions, has very little combat power. A lack of logistical support and ammunition stockpiles means that (Belmont Club estimate) it can sustain offensive operations with only two battalions for a period of 12 weeks after which it simply runs out of everything. Thus, Manila has long lacked an offensive option against the MILF and has tried to compensate by “peace talks”, which are another name for appeasement.

Meanwhile, on CTV national news last night; Canadians were alerted to this breaking news in a report by Ellen Pinchuk, in Moscow.

3 Replies to “Under The Media Radar”

  1. Scenes from my driveway, continued x 28

    Deadbeat neighbor: "Okay, I'll bite: why aren't you wearing pants?" Me: "Why? Because I'm protesting Sandy Berger's perfidy, that's why."* Deadbeat neighbor: "Oh. Heh heh. Sandy Berger's perfidy, g…

  2. CTV:Headlines before they happen:
    ” Shock attack of Phillipine Muslims Extremists surprises World”
    uh huh.
    It’s a pity the Phillipines are so corrupt and disorganized they cannot even defend themselves.

  3. As Peter Brooks tells us, the Army may be stretched thin, but the Navy is not. There are seven carrier strike groups out right now in an enormous projection of military power. I have it on good authority that only a small percent of this force is allocated to the Middle East.
    One carrier strike group includes 75 planes, 4 war ships, a submarine, cruise missiles and 6,500 sailors. By next year, the US will have created 2 more strike groups, and no other country can duplicate this kind of military force. Read about it in this column by Peter Brookes.
