
There’s been considerable coverage of a so-called “Bushism” being reported today. Why, I do not know, other than the fact that the media sits in wait for them.

” Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we. “

It is a clumsy sentence, to be sure. But does it say what the scoffers pretend to think it does?
Just a month ago, the Bush administration was criticized for having a “lack of imagination” prior to the 9/11 attacks. “Thinking about new ways” that harm could be inflicted is not the same as planning to inflict the harm to yourself.
So, what’s the fuss about?

4 Replies to “Misspeak?”

  1. The fuss is that the american left has spent 4 years telling themselves that’s what Bush & co do
    9 think up and inmplement ways to harm the US), so, to them, this is simply a gaffe of revelation of the truth.

  2. At first glance the sentence does say what the Bush-bashers think it does. It was certainly my first (somewhat amused) interpretation of it. Of course just thinking about it for a couple of seconds and you can pull out a second legitimate meaning (that he is thinking of ways to harm the US – in order to counter them).
    I have to admit that I don’t like the guy but I do try to be fair. I think he’ll go down as one of the worst presidents we’ve had, but he’s not been 100% bad. As a matter of fact take away Iraq and he’s about average (though not good). No worse than Clinton, and Kerry isn’t a jewel either.
    But if this is a Bushism it just barely qualifies, especially when compared to some of his other gaffes. His opponents just make themselves look stupid (or stupider if you prefer) by picking on such petty things when there are so many other, larger issues to ding him on.

  3. Never trust a man who never misspeaks. Somewhere out of earshot he made the mistakes you won’t hear while rehearsing what he would say to make it sound believable.
