Statement Of Claim

Gadhafi writes another check.

Libya agreed Tuesday to pay $35 million to some victims of a bloody terror bombing at a Berlin disco nearly two decades ago, making another step in Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s effort to rebuild relations with the West.
The deal, coming after much larger settlements for the bombings of two U.S. and French airliners, does not cover 169 American victims, including two soldiers who died in the blast at the La Belle disco on April 5, 1986. Lawyers are seeking separate compensation for them in U.S. courts.

Not as satisfying as chasing the little dictator into a hole in the ground… but progress, nonetheless. Now, would someone please start the ball rolling on Yassar Arafat?

3 Replies to “Statement Of Claim”

  1. Progress In Afghanistan

    Nope, no news here. Nothing to read about. Move along. Afghanistan is in ruins and the Americans foisted a failed policy upon a downtrodden people. They all hate the US and wish we wouldn’t impose our imperial values upon them. Peace is War. America is…
