Oriana Fallaci Interviews Oriana Fallaci

Italian journalist and former war correspondant Oriana Fallaci’s new book Oriana Fallaci Interviews Oriana Fallaci which warns of an Arab invasion of Europe and criticises authorities for allowing it to become ‘a colony of Islam’, has sold 500,000 copies of in a single day. They have begun reprinting a second edition.
The Belmont Club notices the kneejerk reaction that the work is evidence of racism.

Instead of meeting these serious accusations head on, the Left declares the
entire argument malformed, haram, taboo, inappropriate and therefore inadmissible. Fallaci’s propositions are never allowed to evaluate to a definite value; they must remain, on pain of breaking the world, forever null. Like the old jailhouse story of prisoners being forced to drink out an unflushed toilet unless they confessed, where one prisoner complains that his rights are being violated because there’s a fly in it, these newspaper responses miss the point by such a margin that one suspects they are on another planet; in a universe where Islam can never, like Christianity before it, consist of humans struggling to reform their faith. That would grant unacceptable equality to those who are fated to play the role of victims. In that twilight, blinkered world, Darfur, Kashmir, Ambon, Mindanao, Nigeria, Madrid and 9/11 disappear entirely while mock horror at racism fills every available space. And the toilet is fine but for the fly.
