La La La La I Can’t Hear You La La …

Dean Esmay on the perplexing media refusal to cover any of the growing and glaring discrepencies in the Kerry self-promoted Vietnam record;

The media blackout on Kerry’s Vietnam record is really quite stunning. I’ve never seen anything quite like this. We know for a fact that 80-90% of working reporters and editors vote Democratic in every election, but this is simply unreal. As John Rosenberg notes, even so respectably mainstream-left a paper as the Washington Post, on its front page no less, is continuing to gush about Kerry’s fantastic Vietnam record and the support of his fellow veterans, while saying not one word about any of the Swifties’ allegations or the recently uncovered evidence of Kerry’s possibly false claims about Cambodia. Or about a man who served on his boat saying he’s a liar and a sleaze.
The Post didn’t put the gushy praise-sans-criticism in an editorial either. It was there as front page news.
I would have to ask why a single 20 year old drunk driving charge made screaming national headlines four years ago, but none of this is making it into the mainstream press, except on the editorial pages of a few small newspapers.

Dean’s post is rich with links to the various contraversies. Go check it out. Right now, the blogosphere is the only real source for this story – which seems to be growing despite the best efforts of the mainstream media to ignore it, and the Democrats to sue the Swift Boat Vets into silence.
update – talk radio host and blogger Hugh Hewitt spots the first crack in the dam.

One Reply to “La La La La I Can’t Hear You La La …”

  1. which guy who served on kerry’s boat called him a sleaze? that means served with kerry and not after kerry left vietnam)
    name names kate, with your documentation…if you can.
