Religion Of Peace Death

Exerpted from a sermon delivered at Finsbury Park Mosque in London, by Sheikh Abu Hamza Al-Masri.

[O]ne should not pray for the souls of members of the security forces in our countries, if they are killed while fighting Islamists. One should under no circumstances pray for their souls because they fight for the taghut. [3] They are fighting for the legitimization of interest and for forcing it on people, for the legitimization of fornication and other forbidden things, and for the presence of Jews and Christians in the Arabian Peninsula. They are fighting for the throne of Genghis Khan, for the throne of [King] Fahd, for Mubarak, and not for Allah.
“‘The Believers fight for Allah, whereas the infidels fight for the taghut. Fight the allies of Satan. Indeed, Satan’s cunning is weak’ [Koran, 4:76]. To pray for such people in mosques makes a mockery of the religion of Allah, because it misleads people and makes them believe that these are fighters for Allah, whereas [in fact] they kill Muslim men and women unjustly.
“That is because the true believer sees the world-to-come as though through a sheer fabric, as though he hears the voices of paradise, and he longs for it and yearns for it. He weighs things with both the scales of this world and the next, not only the scales of this world. He overcomes desires and stiffens his resolve not to be entangled in dubious matters, and then he triumphs and dies a good death. This is what the infidels and the hypocrites do not understand. They do not understand those who love death because it is the gate through which they meet the Lord. The believer knows that he is married to both this world and the next. This world and the next are [like] two wives [married to the same man]; if he makes one of them happy, it is at the expense of the other. If a man gives charity from his wealth, it is for the hereafter and it affects him [adversely] in this world. If he goes to fight in Jihad, it is likely that his business will be damaged and he may be separated from his family, but it is done for the sake of the world-to-come. But if he does nothing about the world-to- come, and engages himself completely in this world, this is at the expense of the world-to-come, and the world-to-come will be angry with him because of it.”
“The infidel Americans who ruined their palaces [in paradise] with their own hands must pluck these ideas out of the heads and hearts of young men and women of the believers, of the people of our nation, so we would surrender to them as the red Indians had, so that our rights would be forfeited and we would lose both this world and the world-to-come, and so that we shall be their slavish followers in both this world and the world-to-come, in this world – to humiliation, and in the world-to-come – to the fires of hell, God forbid.”
“That is why they want to change the curricula, the curricula that edify believers, the curricula that educate people to persevere. They will never achieve it. They can win the sympathy of the hypocrites and those who apostatized and those whose hearts are sick, but they have no power over the believers, because Allah protects them and gives them his blessed protection. This is Allah’s rule: Do not be deceived by this world, do not be deceived by temptations: ‘Let not the fortunes of the disbelievers in the land deceive you. Their prosperity is brief, and then hell shall be their abode. What an evil resting place!’ [Koran, 3:197-8]. This is the rule of Allah.

Arested a month after this sermon, the Americans have been trying to extradite him for his alleged attempts to create a jihad camp in Oregon.

2 Replies to “Religion Of Peace Death”

  1. During the Iran – Iraq war – many Iranian ‘soldiers’, teenagers mostly, were given big, colorful plastic keys to wear around their necks – symbolic keys to the wonderful Islamic pardise, that lay just over there, just a little ways past the Iraqi minefields!

  2. Pity most of them didn’t make it over the minefields and interlocking machinegun fire zones.
    I’m reminded of a comment that If, tomorrow, the residents of North America and Africa exchanged continents, in 50 years Africa would be a powerhouse riding the 45th year of continual double digit economic expansion. North America would be a horrific slum with people freezing to death by the tens of thousands every winter.
    The same thing will happen to heaven and hell if this preacher is right.
