Comment Spam Issues

As some of you know, you’re having trouble commenting. Sorry about that – there’s a notice about it on the side of the blogroll, though not everyone has noticed.
I inadvertantly closed comments on the last day’s worth of entries yesterday – those are back open.
To give you an idea of the problem, opening some ip ranges results in the immediate resumption of online gambling spam from one extra persistant offender. (Hopefully, they are one of the ones who’ve been introduced recently to Mr.Ashcroft.) It often means I spend considerable time each morning going through the entries (on dialup!) and deleting them. I’ve also turned off html in the comments section in an effort to control it. Doesn’t do much to stop them, but at least their links don’t work.
The latest ip ban list seems to have eliminated the worst spam offender, but it would be much better if there was a way to close off comments on the bulk of old entries with one command, and then keep more recent ones open manually. I can’t seem to find an option in MT for this – does anyone have advice on how this can be done?
