Military Blogger CBFTW Pulls Posts

Checking my entry pages a while ago (traffic is up with the swift boat vet contraversy) I noticed that this post on the blog “My War” was recieving a lot of hits.
So I checked over there. His blog has been wiped clean and only a cryptic quote remains as a clue as to what’s going on.

“Ever Get the Feeling You’ve Been Cheated?” -last words Johnny Rotten spit onstage at the Sex Pistols last gig in 1978.

I hope the condition is temporary. And beaurocratic.
I’ve saved a copy of the blog’s content from the Google cache, for my own use. Perhaps I’ll mirror it somewhere, but I think I’ll wait to see if there’s more to the story before I do.
update – An explanation.
I won’t mirror the content, in light of the reasons he pulled it. And hopefully, others will respect his privacy more than these idiots at NPR.

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