Dumb Luck Hypothesis

Colby Cosh

The Dumb Luck Hypothesis, as it applies to Alberta, is terribly popular with people in Saskatchewan. They love to tell me, personally, how lucky Alberta has been to find itself sitting on top of all that oil. (They are generally unfazed when I explain that my parents and an army of kinfolk took the trouble to move here from Saskatchewan, many years ago, precisely because hardworking people were needed to help locate and extract all that oil.) Now I can simply point out that those who stayed behind have suddenly been revealed to be, almost literally, sitting on an assload of gems that has been left unprobed for decades. Luck ain’t something you get: it’s something you make.

Required reading for those in this province who think the difference between Aberta’s prosperity and Saskatchewan’s stagnation is oil.
Sometimes I do wonder how much better off this province would be today, had someone had the good sense to shoot Tommy Douglas.
