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MSNBC has the transcript up of the Miller bitch slapping of Chris Matthews interview on Hardball that’s getting so much attention on the blogosphere today.

MATTHEWS:� Senator, Senator, can I speak softly to you?� I would really like you to…
MILLER:� What?� No, no, no, because you won’t give me a chance to answer.� You ask these questions and then you just talk over what I am trying to answer, just like you did that woman the other day.�
MATTHEWS:� Well, Senator…
MILLER:� I don�t know why I even came on this program.�
MATTHEWS:� Well, I am glad you did.�
MATTHEWS:� Let me ask you this about John Kerry’s war record.�
MILLER:� Well, are you going to shut up after you ask me?�
MILLER:� Or are you going to give me a chance to answer it?�
MATTHEWS:� Yes, sir.�

And Wizbang has so much good, and original stuff blogging the RNC, you should just go pay the homepage a visit and read it all.
I’ll admit it.
I have Republican envy.
