Here, A Nation Rose

James Joyner has a comprehensive roundup of blogosphere commentary about President Bush’s acceptance speech. I didn’t see it, but skimming through different sites, the reaction seems to be positive towards both the content and the delivery.
I would suggest that Canadian readers who missed it, read the transcript – particularly the final third or so. Exerpts;

America has done this kind of work before and there have always been doubters. In 1946, 18 months after the fall of Berlin to allied forces, a journalist wrote in the New York Times, “Germany is a land in an acute stage of economic, political and moral crisis. [European] capitals are frightened. In every [military] headquarters, one meets alarmed officials doing their utmost to deal with the consequences of the occupation policy that they admit has failed.” End quote. Maybe that same person’s still around, writing editorials.
Fortunately, we had a resolute president named Truman, who with the American people persevered, knowing that a new democracy at the center of Europe would lead to stability and peace. And because that generation of Americans held firm in the cause of liberty, we live in a better and safer world today.
The world saw that spirit three miles from here, when the people of this city faced peril together, and lifted a flag over the ruins, and defied the enemy with their courage. My fellow Americans, for as long as our country stands, people will look to the resurrection of New York City and they will say: Here buildings fell, and here a nation rose.

(Wizbang has a Transcript. )

3 Replies to “Here, A Nation Rose”

  1. hehe, how about that zell miller? i think he could have gone a bit further and called for all good americans to cut kerry’s guts out on national TV. i would love to see every one of these dems publicly hung with piano wire.

  2. Kate, love your blog. It’s amazing how similar bush and JFK are, Only someone as astute as you would notice. Both of them had powerful fathers who encouraged them into politics, both had their share of pecadillios with booze and women,and probably illegal drugs but became men while in service of their countries. Bush was a dashing hero in the national Guard flying those jets,arguably more dangerous than PT boat service. Of course kennedy faked the whole PT boat thing just like kerry faked the swift boat deal, so I guess that makes bush the better of the two men, and he’s so much more folksy too. None of that weird harvard accent stuff.And his speaches? Way bettter than kennedy.
