Working For The Man

Marc Emery, ” one of Canada’s most media-savvy and provocative potactivists”, decided to do the civil disobedience schtick and pass a joint in Saskatoon.

Well, it’s all fun and games, until someone gets their ass thrown in jail.

It gets better.

Alright everyone, I’m back from, oh goodness… six hours of sanding, sanding, sanding big wooden sheds with a 2-inch by 5-inch wire brush, and believe me, I am tired. Boy, I really earned my 50 cents an hour today, I’ll tell you.
This is what my fellow Canadians have done to a man who has never done anything (that’s me) but be kind to virtually every person I have ever met. Putting me here in this crazy place. It’s called a correctional centre. How filthy a lie, from my fellow Canadians who condone these gulags with their implicit consent. There is no Correcting going on here. How am I being corrected? How is
Mus-qua being corrected? We are in a detention facility.
There is no Correcting. A detention centre is where we put the illiterate, the alcohol and drug addicted, society’s cast-offs, the abandoned, the mentally ill, the stupid, dissidents like myself, and a lot of inevitable product of poor or no parenting in their childhood. You think anyone here is
being Corrected? If they were rational, they would hate and despise the people who have put them here and animalized them. The Canadian people have animalized me. Did you know that if all eighteen spoons, eighteen knives, or eighteen forks are not all returned to a count by the guard sharp at 10:30pm, we are all under 24 hour lockdown? Three times I have gone through
all the day’s garbage, looking for a missing spoon. Twice I did find it, at the bottom of the massive, slimy, smoozy food, shit, coffee grinds, all manner of refuse. They have to be found at 10:30pm sharp or we all suffer a lockdown for 24 hours. I always sense the urgency and go to the guard and say ‘Can I have the latex gloves, as I have to go through all the garbage to find the missing spoon.’ It’s always the spoon that’s missing because people let it spill off with their food, toss it into the garbage, or they use it as a stirring spoon and take it to their room and forget about it and then that person has headphones on or is asleep etc. at 10:30pm, but it’s usually at the bottom of the slimy garbage, and that’s where I have to go.

That’s right – he’s blogging from jail. Poor baby.
There’s a rally for Marc in Saskatoon at the Vimy Memorial tomorrow, if you’re so inclined.

4 Replies to “Working For The Man”

  1. Cripes, what a whiner. I would suggest to him that if the unpleasantness of the experience prevents him from doing such a dumb-ass thing again, his behaviour will have been “corrected”.
    Frankly, I’m in favour of legalizing pot so our farmers have an additional source of income. But anyone dumb enough to spark a phat doob in front of a flatfoot deserves what he gets.

  2. While I strongly believe the laws regarding marijuana are a joke and need to repealed (and pot legalized, sold to adults and taxed, but that’s a different discussion) there’s no chance I’ll be attending the rally (yes, I live in Saskatoon). Keep whining Marc.
    If you choose to perform acts of civil disobedience, that may be admirable but you should do so fully prepared to accept the consequences and fight it out in the courts and the political arena. Then you get my respect.
    Kate, great blog. You’re in my daily script as a must read.

  3. Also logging in as one who agrees with legalizing marijuana, but what did he expect? It’s prison. It’s a nasty darned place where your liberty is restricted, and if he didn’t realize that, maybe it’s a good thing he had this opportunity to go. What are they going to do? Let inmates walk off with the silverware/potential weapons, or worse yet, force them to eat with their fingers? The threat of prison is supposed to be a deterrant, and a person who breaks an absurd law as civil disobedience is respected precisely for taking the risk of being jailed and enduring jail.
    Solid waste haulers pick through other people’s food waste every day because jerks can’t be bothered to pull out their recyclables. Heck, some people go through slimy garbage just to find something to eat. And no one’s going to open the door and let them out when their sentence is up. You don’t need bars to face slimy work or lockdowns.

  4. He is not blogging from jail. If you read the site in question, he records a 20 minute phone conversation every day and his staff then type if up and blog it for him the next day or when they have time. But don’t let that stop you from your gloating over his being tossed in prison (at taxpayers expense) for 3 months for passing a joint to somebody.
