4 Replies to “The Finger”

  1. This photo left me speechless. I mean… do the people running the Kerry campaign hae no idea how deranged this man looks? Scary answer: probably not.

  2. Here’s what I find most striking – Not since WWII has an American president faced a challenge as great as did George Bush on Sept 11 and the weeks after. Yet, while he may have hesitated, and may have faltered on occassion to find the words he wanted, he never lost it.
    He did not over-react. He did not take retaliatory action for its own sake. He gave the Taliban and Hussein fair warning and every change to avoid military action.
    He has faced the most outrageous criticism of the left with stoicism and good humour.
    Al Gore loses an election, and he has turned into a stark raving lunatic.
    Put your imagination to use. Try to put George Bush into that pose, with that look of distorted fury.
    It won’t happen. We have never seen it.

  3. “It won’t happen. We have never seen it.”
    You’ve already forgotten the “keep those motherfuckers away from me!” episode?
