Iran Rejects European Offer Of Nuclear Fuel

Europe is no better at selling uranium to Iran than John Kerry is.

In order to defend its ability to enrich Uranium beyond the requirement of civilian needs, Iran makes several arguments:

  • Uranium enrichment is a legitimate right that is reserved to every NPT member state.
  • Denial of Iran’s right by the international community or the surrendering of this right by Iran is a detriment to Iran’s national interests.
  • Iran has cooperated fully and transparently with the IAEA. [4]
  • Preventing Iran from enriching Uranium is part of an anti-Iranian scheme by the U.S. and its followers.
  • Europe has failed to meet its obligations to provide Iran with advanced nuclear technology and to close the investigation file against Iran’s nuclear activities by the IAEA in return for a voluntary and temporary halt of enrichment activities, as was agreed in the ‘Tehran and Brussels understandings.’ [5]
  • The Western countries retain a Monopoly on nuclear technology and see Iran as a nuclear fuel export market, thus trying to coerce it to buy fuel from them.
  • It is cheaper for Iran to produce nuclear fuel than to import it from the West.
  • How the fuck is Iran supposed to destroy the Zionist state without it?
  • Iranian officials did not close the door, however, suggesting that they may be willing to negotiate with 2002 Nobel Peace Prize winner Jimmy Carter.

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