Just Another Tile In The Canadian Mosaic

Excerpts from recorded lectures given by Sheik Younus Kathrada;

“We know what happened over the last week and how the brothers of the monkeys and the swine assassinated and murdered one of the heroes of Islam, the Salah al-Din of this day and age, Ahmed Yassin.
“Once again they’ve shown their treachery; once again they’ve shown that they are cowards and that they cannot be trusted.”
“The prophet . . . said the final hour will not be established until such time as the Muslims will battle and will fight against the Jews.
“Then what will happen? Listen to the good news after that. The prophet . . . says that the stone and the tree will say ‘oh Muslim, oh slave of Allah, that verily behind me is a Jew. Then come and kill him.’ . . . It is not meant to be understood metaphorically but rather literally.
“Unfortunately we hear too many people saying we must build bridges with them. No. They understand one language. It is the language of the sword and it is the only language they understand.”
“When the Muslims have a leader, when the Muslims have the strength and the ability to take on an enemy, then absolutely they call the other nations towards Islam. Should they reject the message then they will declare war upon them.
“That is what we know as the offensive jihad. There is a good reason for that. It is in order to establish security on this earth. It is so that the word of Allah will be the superior word.”
“I mentioned to you a while ago that it should be all of our intentions that one day we be martyred. If it is not I say revise yourself. Look deep into your heart because there is some hypocrisy in it.
“It is inconceivable that a true believer will not desire martyrdom.”

… leader of the Dar al-Madinah Islamic Society of Vancouver.
Update – Peaktalk has a related post.

3 Replies to “Just Another Tile In The Canadian Mosaic”

  1. Thank you for posting this.
    By the way, what ever happened to the JDL? A couple of decades ago they seemed to be all over stuff like this. Were they lulled into thinking that all that nanny-state Trudeaupian “human rights” legislation was actually meant to protect them?

  2. what now is the definition of a canadian hate crime? will our friends the LIBERALS feel this chap’s remarks go too far? will they think these are not CANADIAN VALUES as defined by our government. i don’t think even zundel went this far..cheers cd
