UN: Attempting To Influence US Election?

Via Powerline; Clifford May connects the dots behind the New York Time’s crumbling story about “missing bomb material” in Iraq.

The United Nations is already embroiled in the largest economic scam in world history: the multibillion dollar Oil-for-Food scandal. Now there is reason to ask whether a senior U.N., official also has attempted to influence an American election by spreading misleading information.
Here’s one theory: It was Mohammed ElBaradei, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Why would he do that? “The U.S. is trying to deny ElBaradei a second term,” a high U.S. government official told me. “We have been on his case for missing the Libyan nuclear weapons program and for weakness on the Iranian nuclear weapons program.”
ElBaradei also opposed the liberation of Iraq. And he would like nothing better than to see President Bush be defeated next week.
If all this is true it would amount to a major scandal: It would mean that a senior U.N. official may be changing the outcome of an American election by spreading false information. And major U.S. media outlets are allowing themselves to be manipulated in pursuit of that goal.
The Times and other news organizations also have ignored this pertinent question: Why did Saddam Hussein have the kinds of explosives favored by terrorists � and why was he permitted to keep them? Such explosives, according to the Times, also “are used in standard nuclear weapons design,” and were acquired by Saddam when he “embarked on a crash effort to build an atomic bomb in the late 1980s.”
Writing in The Corner, former federal terrorism prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy pointed out that U.N. Security Council Resolution 687, which imposed the terms of 1991 Gulf War ceasefire, required Iraq to “unconditionally accept the destruction, removal, or rendering harmless, under international supervision, of . . . [a]ll ballistic missiles with a range greater than 150 kilometres and related major parts, and repair and production facilities[.]”
Yet the IAEA made no attempt to force Saddam to comply with his obligations to destroy these “related major parts” of its ballistic missiles.
In addition, McCarthy noted, Iraq was required “not to acquire or develop nuclear weapons or nuclear-weapons-usable material or any subsystems or components[,]” and, to the extent it had such items, present them for “urgent on-site inspection and the destruction, removal or rendering harmless as appropriate of all items specified above.”
It shouldn’t require a rocket scientist to understand that a detonator is a key component of a nuclear bomb. But according to the Times, Saddam persuaded ElBaradei that he wanted to hold on to the explosives in case they were needed “for eventual use in mining and civilian construction” – and ElBaradai agreed.

May asks good questions. It makes one wonder why the Times didn’t ask them.

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