Carolyn Parrish, Comedian

At least one Liberal MP will find it difficult to hide her distaste for the recently re- elected U.S. president. Carolyn Parrish didn’t even try on Monday, playing along with CBC-TV’s This Hour Has 22 Minutes by stomping on a George Bush action figure.

Parrish has been outspoken in the past, calling Americans “bastards” and mocking Bush’s efforts to gather allies in the war on Iraq by calling countries that follow the U.S. a “coalition of idiots.”

“Come on guys, this is humour … I am not a monster lady. I’m not an angry wet hen. I am actually a pretty funny person and humour is one of those tonics in life.”

Carolyn has a point.
1 pm. update – Prime Minister Paul Martin has announced Parrish has been expelled from caucus.

11 Replies to “Carolyn Parrish, Comedian”

  1. The only thing better would be an interactive pin placement on the Carolyn Parrish voodoo doll so we can all stick pins into her.

  2. Oh Carolyn! Brave Warrior!, duelling the evil Bush.
    Cover your indecency.
    It is written:
    Surah 33.59
    Oh Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their veils all over their bodies (screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known as free and respectable women as not to be annoyed. And Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

  3. It’s nice to see this woman being dissed by the PM.
    Now if only it didn’t feel like 80% of Canadians were still against us I’d feel even better.

  4. It’s not that bad Dean if you leave out Quebec. In the ROC (Rest of Canada) it’s probably only around 2/3 against. And if you get into other parts of Canada, America may even get a passing grade. You’ve got lots of friends. Maybe not friends with lots of political power in Canada, but lots of good people anyway.

  5. Annoying Canadians

    Urgh. Well, I seem to have touched a nerve with my note yesterday about Carolyn Parrish and my rather offhand comment about a “personal boycott” of Canada. I certainly didn’t mean that in the literal sense, and I certainly wasn’t…

  6. Finally, Carolyn, we find someone who is not afraid to say the truth. It is amazing to see all the people who are afraid of the truth. The Bush government is counting on those naive people! That is the only way he and his type will be able to conquer the world. We had a leader like that once… his name was Hitler.
    Keep Going Carolyn!!!
