6 Replies to “Tommy Douglas, Not Dead Enough”

  1. Now receiving foreign aid

    Canada may be a developed country in most respects but when it comes to health care socialism has brought us to a state of being pathetic charity cases.

  2. I get the feeling that what this has turned into,is not what Mr. Douglas envisioned. The basic idea is good,but the most productive segment of any government(ie;the bureaucrats) have overwhelmed the system and with the help of overly powerful unions,have pretty much nailed the coffin shut…..I’m a union member myself,so I’m not on an anti-union rant,but the idea of the universal health care wasn’t to ensure jobs for union members in perpetuity. It was to provide that any Canadian could get a BASIC level of health care even if they were poor,and no matter where in Canada they lived……I don’t think the system was set up to cover all the procedures that are now covered. besides technicological leaps that were hardly science fiction then. I think Mr. Douglas would just turn over in his grave about sex changes and abortions being covered.

  3. I remember two quotes from TCD forty years ago, which must lurk as B&W clips in the CBC TV archives:
    1. “We don’t want to _run_ it, we just want to help _pay_ for it!”
    2. (Of how to handle the doctors): “We will choke their mouths with gold!”
    … so choke me.
    D.A. Taylor, MD
    Kansas City, Missouri
    (formerly of Kentville, Nova Scotia)

  4. The eternal question is, of course, how you decide that which is “basic” and how you can say no to people.
    The invisible hand seems to be modestly better at that grim task then the alternatives.
    Big Suprise.
