A Liberal Slice

Stephen Taylor has been generating pie graphs based on data pulled from the Elections Canada website. For example, this one represents the political contributions by party of the current CBC board of directors….

He’s tracked down the “corporate whores”, too.
Chris, at Striving Against Opposition decided to run the names of some of the 134 law professors who released a letter condemning Stephen Harper’s stance on traditional marriage through the Elections Canada donate-a-meter… what he found is not that surprising.

5 Replies to “A Liberal Slice”

  1. The Mother Corp. is an adjunct of the Liberal Party/State.
    The only known conservative it has on the payroll, is the hockey mouth with the funny clothes.What a depressing situation.

  2. Had the red been blue on that chart, liberals would have raised living hell and people would have been fired. The CBC would have had to sign an agreement like the BBC had to do a few days ago promising they will be less biased. Protestors would be out in the streets burning tires and effigies. You name it.
    There is no doubt that the CBC is a threat to free speech and yet, the CBC has the nerve to criticise Fox News? What a circus.

  3. I commented on this yesterday:
    How is this at all surprising? The Liberals have had 11 years of appointing the board.
    Ten bucks and a box of donuts says that after two or three terms of Conservative appointments that the pie chart would reverse. (I’d love to see what it looked like in 1992.)
    It’s something to remember when watching CBC, but nothing to be shocked about.

  4. CBC was a big cheerleader for the Charlottetown Accord (just like the lib-left champagne socialist crowd and the Margaret Atwood gang of ‘public intellectuals’)

  5. And to add the same comment I made on Stephen Taylor’s site…
    6. $252,619.60 OPSEU (Trade Union)
    As an OPSEU member… ick! ick! ick! ick! ICK!!!!!
    Then again, during the federal election OPSEU sent me three NDP lit pieces with letters from the union leadership urging me to vote for them.
    I felt like filing grievances just for kicks…
