7 Replies to “Dean Elected DNC Chair”

  1. He’ll lock in most lefty loonies, like Cho, Penn and Garafolo with lines like that but I don’t think he’s very likely to sway any Republicans or fence straddling dems to the dem’s side.
    Hey, I support this guy – he’s almost a guarantee of a Republican 2008 winner. Might be an even bigger asset than Moore.

  2. That’s a scary picture, thought halloween was over.

    it’s almost as bad as the Saskatoon Cam with the CBC logo in it… kind of afraid to scroll down the page as I know it’s waiting for me … =(

  3. All that will matter is if he can raise money.He’s got to schmooze Wall St, Silicon Valley and Hollywood, and until they stop giving, the Dems will be chew toys of Rove.

  4. My emotions are mixed. It certainly is bad news for the Dems, but I’m not so sure I think the U.S. brand of democracy works without an effective opposition party.
    Of course, Mrs. Clinton will (ironically) act as a moderating influence on the rest of the Dems–because unlike the Deaniacs, she wants to win (and has a sense of what it takes). And not only is she a talented politician, but she’s “married’ to the most brilliant political tactician of our time.

  5. I think Hillary’s intent is to basically ignore the DNC and do her own thing – which means, trying to copy the Republicans to the furthest she can.
    To her, beliefs aren’t as important as winning the election.

  6. Quick Links

    *** Apparently, toys for Iraqi children reap security benefits. *** Looks like Google is sticking up for Eason Jordan. *** OTB rounds-up the mildly surprising Iraqi election results. ** Kate makes the relevant point about the new chair of the…
