CNN Reliable Sources: Jordan Discussed

A transcript worth reading. Jeff Jarvis (Buzzmachine) does the blogosphere proud, as expected.

JARVIS: We didn’t fire him, the bloggers. CNN did. I agree it doesn’t fit the crime, because we don’t know the crimes that are in CNN’s heart here. Something else happened here that we don’t know. The story’s not over. We have to see that transcript from Davos. There’s no reason for that to be hidden still, and CNN has to realize that they have to tell us more of what’s going on.
The problem here is that by just asking for the truth, knocking at the doors of the news temple and saying, tell us what’s go on, we’re being portrayed as a lynch mob. We’re not. We’re citizens wanting to know the truth. It used to be the job of journalists to report that. So let’s get to the truth, let’s get to the facts. I think if Jordan had come right out and said, I’m sorry, I blew it, I was wrong, I didn’t mean to say that, he wouldn’t have made any more friends that he has now, but he still would be at his job.

The NYT is unhappy and shows it by lashing out at bloggers with manipulative editing. Which of course, means it’s business as usual.

7 Replies to “CNN Reliable Sources: Jordan Discussed”

  1. Jarvis can’t be that naive, surely.Jordan said what he did because the media are propagandists and its unspoken given, where they cover their own.Jarvis also fails to acknowledge that Jordan is a repeat offender, with the credibility of Al Jazeera.Guys like Jarvis bring so little to the table……..grrrrrrrrr.

  2. Well Jarvis is a lefty, so I grant him some latitude. It took him a long time to recognize the significance of Rathergate – but when he did, he came around 180%.
    They’re also under heavy time constraints and it sometimes dangerous to expand too much on past history for fear of having a discussion hijacked off on a tangent.

  3. How could the NYT fail to note that two of the most prominent Jordan challengers were Barney Frank and Chris Dodd? Is it because it’s impossible to paint them as part of the salivating conservative lynch mob?

  4. Screaming Memes understands the evil of Blogs
    Eason Jordan was a man off bravery and nobility. He rightly so, accuesd the jesusland milatary of assassanating journalistes, and then the bloggers have just willy nilly distroyed his credability. But that wasn’t enough for the manicheanism of the blogger’ s. No. They had to cause him to disappear alltogether………..
    You will notice that there were no press conferences called….. Just a press release under extreme duress, emitted by a cowed CNN…………
    The bloggers are out-of-control. It does not serve the interests of the people to have this cacaphonous crowd of crisis-inducing democracy crackheads tirelessly giving us their pajama clad opinions…….
    The evil thing about the Blogs is that they are the illegitamate spawn of the slovenly slew of the slime-slinging swarm; the masses of mindless swinish scum,. The undesirables. The vermin.
    The Just Anybody.
    …………..we find that we have empowered the rabble……… And the evil tentacles of the American Online Systme has empowered them with the tool of the blogosphere….
    Now, instead of sitting on the couch in their skivvies, scratching themselves, drinking beer and belching out curses at the Authority of the Anchormen, now they are giving there opinion. And what’s more evil is, people are listening to them. They are distroying all that was “good” and “holy” about the world.

  5. Cal,
    That’s funny, they have to watch Bill O’Rielly more. He was just on and stated who MSM has to be very careful about what they say because the bloggers are keeping them honest and holding them accountable for every word. He actually had nothing bad to say about CNN, but the guest who started all this slammed Jordan.

  6. The Times’ attitude, frankly, is not surprising given the extent to which they have lost market share and credibility to the blogs.
    What is surprising is the fact that they seem to have learned nothing from the experience.

  7. “What is surprising is the fact that they seem to have learned nothing from the experience.”
    I prefer my “enemy” slow on the uptake.
