Coalition Of The Wilting

Medienkritik on the current economic situation in Germany.

Now the most unpopular government in German history has achieved a new all-time low: Schroeder, who earlier demanded that the German people judge him on his ability to create jobs, currently presides over a nation with over 5.2 [million] unemployed citizens, the highest number since the Nazis came to power during the Great Depression. Right-wing extremists are gaining strength with every passing day, but Schroeder and his party refuse to accept any implication that their failed economic policy is a direct or indirect cause of the re-emergence of German nationalism.
So what is the SPD’s solution? German exports. Particularly arms sales. Gerhard Schroeder recently visited China and expressed his desire to lift the EU’s arms embargo on the Communist nation. The “Peace” Chancellor is currently on a trip to the Middle East where he is sealing business deals in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other dictatorial Arab states. There too, German arms are a best seller. The same German left that can’t get enough of pointing out America’s supposed hypocricy in supporting Saudi Arabia is busily signing weapons deals with the same government.
And even the German media, which has so often towed the government line, can no longer ignore the extent of Germany’s economic tragedy. The usual excuses, that the unemployment is due to September 11 or that the numbers are due to statistical changes, now ring hollow. Even SPIEGEL ONLINE is describing the situation in Schroeder’s government as one of “helplessness, perplexity and naked panic.”

Well, Germany has always found solutions before. I don’t know that Poland is the place to look for them this time, though.

3 Replies to “Coalition Of The Wilting”

  1. Highest unemployement since the Nazis took power (same) – the solution being seen as arms production, a major money problem hanging over their heads (East Germany (still being paid for) vs Versailles), a “minority problem” (immigrants vs Jews), a “national pride” issue . . .
    The differences would be US troops already in Germany, their “alliance” with france, and Germans don’t seem to care about the national pride issue.
    I wonder how many Germans hace climbed up into the attic to dig out grandpa’s old uniform.
