More Pigs Take Wing

If you didn’t catch Jon Stewart last night, this is well worth a read.

Stewart: Do you think that the people of Lebanon would have had, sort of, the courage of their conviction, having not seen–not only the invasion but the election which followed? It’s almost as though that the Iraqi election has emboldened this crazy–something’s going on over there. I’m smelling something.

I hope there’s a heavy duty axle on that bandwagon.

6 Replies to “More Pigs Take Wing”

  1. Soderberg is amazing in her ability to deny reality. Her only completely honest statement was “There’s always hope that this might not work.” (I might agree with the remark about Nobel but no way those lefties would give that to righties)
    Stewart I think may be coming to the realization he should vote Republican in 2008.

  2. The Pro-Democracy Bandwagon

    As a follow-up to our previous post about the dam breaking on this “democracy in the Middle East is spreading and that’s a good thing” avalanche that the NYT started, Small Dead Animals noticed even John Stewart jumping on board.
    Check out some of h…

  3. I’d assume so – if he’s moving right, it’ll take a while for us folks to learn about it.

  4. I watched the clip when I got home last night, and yeah, it’s truly amazing (and fun) watching people slowly come around to the idea that military action might have been required to start the dominos falling elsewhere in the region.
    Course, now it’ll only take another decade for Canadians to comprehend that concept and admit that maybe there was some logic in the madness.
