Liberals Aghast! Not Speechless.

A manufactured contraversy is emerging over Monte Solberg’s satirical post directed at the “discovery” of new charter “rights” by “Paul Martin Luther King”. Not surprisingly, the rhetoric reads like parody – “Liberals aghast. Liberal MP Marlene Jennings said she was “left speechless after reading it.”
We should be so lucky.
Monte fires back;

there are those joyless people who spend their lives looking for reasons to be outraged. These are the people who are offended by everything. What an awful way to pass your days. I really do feel sorry for them.
Finally there are those who feign outrage. This is the camp that my friends Scott Reid and Marlene Jenning fall into. They are real pro’s at the outrage game. They actually get the joke but pretend that they don’t. They are outraged for the cameras and then they go back to their desk, eat a muffin and read the paper.

And, in what I only hope was the outcome of a planned strategy – every Liberal sympathetic journalist on the outrage beat is sending readers directly to his blog – where his response is there to read, without the media filters.
The gatekeepers have just stepped aside to let the hordes into the castle.
This is the power of the blogosphere, writ large.
Monte should be spending the next few days writing and linking like a maniac, to capitalize on the curiousity seeking traffic.
A flashback to remind us all of the double standard in the national media that makes it so important to remove them from the communication loop: Scott Brison, Liberal MP on June 28, 2004:

“There’s not a lot of room for Red Tories in a party with a lot of rednecks.”

This was not satire. This was not the fond self-deprecation so often used here in the west, when referring to our own.
This was Liberal MP Scott Brison, revealing the bigotry of the Liberal Party towards the very people who pay his expense account. A rhetorical club swung by a faux-elitist to drive home the point that, in Canada, there are some segments of society who are unworthy of a voice in the political process because they have committed the crime of being “unsophisticated”, hardworking, and rural.
And nobody raised an eyebrow.

7 Replies to “Liberals Aghast! Not Speechless.”

  1. Marlene was left speechless, because that’s the job of her aides 😉

  2. Beltway Traffic Jam

    The daily linkfest:
    Megan McArdle explains why deadbeats are good for society.
    Steve Bainbridge has some thoughts on the libertarian-social conservative marriage.
    Jonathan Last chronicles the Dark Side of the papacy.
    Joanne Jacobs discus…

  3. Lib’s must be nervous, there starting the scare tactics before an election is called..

  4. i hope lots and lots of people link to monte’s site. finally an eloquent Conservative politician is attempting the end run around the MSM filter. best wishes to him.

  5. Hey what the!!!???
    Scott Brison is calling me a red neck?
    Ok well then if he is starting the name calling I’ve got to get this off my chest.
    He is just weird looking like his arms and hands are way to short for his body and his head is way to big for everything else, and he has a “joeclarkneck”
    It almost looks like they took the worst parts of alot of relly bad politicians and sewed them togeth…. nevermind!

  6. See National Post this day re M. Solberg’s blog etc.
    Included is Solberg’s URL.
    The MSM is supporting a blogger. We are in a New World. Wow. Marshall McLuhan,where are you?
    Huzzah to Monte Solberg, M.P.
