More dominos: Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Pakistan…

Publius has been following protest worldwide.

  • After years and years of waiting, the Kuwaiti parliament is speeding up legislation for women’s suffrage. About 500 women demonstrated.
  • Demonstrators here [Egypt] are protesting against the new election law that would have Mubarak run against other candidates. The basis? They believe it will be rigged. I tend to agree.
  • [Nepal] Even after the declaration of a military dictatorship and the oppression of media, the democratic opposition to the king is preparing for a huge protest tomorrow.
  • Thousands of women rallied in eastern Pakistan on Monday to demand justice and protection for a woman who said she was gang-raped at the direction of a village council, after a court ordered the release of her alleged attackers
  • Lots more there.

    Totten is right – the western media, pundits and the democratic left would do well pay more attention Victor Davis Hanson. They won’t of course – they’ve shown an unhealthy fondness for worse-case-scenerio wishful thinking punditry. independent.jpg

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