Guest BloggerJames B. Badger

James Badger left this in my comments below, in response to the Lloyd Axworthy letter.

“(I’ll) leave you with the assurance that we yanks are not laughing at canada, only some individual canadians.” Gunner is wrong.
“Americans are already angry with Canadian anti-Americanism. However, more recently Americans have begun to become more indifferent to Canada and its motives.” Greg is closer, but these two statements are not mutually exclusive. Maybe we’re pissed off – AND – no longer care what you do.
I confess my total lack of understanding of your (Canadian) political system, but when you keep electing these “bastards”, at some point we come to believe that they do indeed represent the will of the people. Just as our re-election of President Bush entitles you to assume that at least the majority of Americans support our stubborn, willful, crazy cowboy President.
I’ve ridden my bike through your beautiful countryside. What a fabulous place for motorcycles! But I’ve also read your papers. Listened to your politicians. Felt the sting of the insults. The betrayal of what I thought were our friends and allies.
We’ve taken our last two vacations in the U.S.A. when we had planned on Mexico and a return to Canada. For the first time in my life, I’ve begun to read EVERY label, looking for the “Made in” sticker before I purchase. And Canadian products don’t fare much better than French products in our household.
Americans are sick to death of subsidizing our enemys. And again, like France, Canada is starting to look less and less like a country that disagrees with us, and more and more like one that does not wish us well.
We can raise plenty of cattle in the U.S. to meet the demand. Have lots of timber too. Iraqi oil will be coming on the market in greater quantities before long. And we haven’t done the ANWAR drilling yet.
So just how stupid are your politicians?
Did you see our new Ambassador to the U.N. yet? Do a Google search on Bolton. Maybe you’ll began to get a sense of just how much the status quo is being shaken.
After 9/11 your “elephant” neighbor began to wake up. Canada could have jumped astride and gone along for the ride. You could have given us the occasional pat on the head, and we would have continued to pretend that Canada was a trusted ally. Instead your politicos chose to stand in front of the elephant stridently screaming “STOP”. Now there is a brilliant strategy! Especially as nations all over the world are beginnng to join the rush toward freedom. It’s a stampede! (That’s what clumsy cowboys quite often do, you know? Start stampedes.) But your leaders are sleeping peacefully through the cacophony of the thundering hooves. Wonder if they will wake in time.
Forgive this rant, please. Pent up frustration that just occasionally blows the lid off, when I hear one too many stupid, vicious, condesending attacks on my country for the horrible crime of trying to rid the world of this particular stripe of subhuman monster, global terrorists. And we’ve committed the additional offense of holding the first democratic elections in the history of Afganistan and Iraq. (Developments in Libiya, Syria, Lebonon, Pakistan, ect. will go undiscussed for now.) Well hell, no wonder they hate us!
Thanks to all of you on this site, and other sympathetic blogs. It’s nice to know that ALL of Canada is not insane. And in America, somewhat less than half of my countrymen are stark, raving mad. So perhaps there is hope for reproachment yet.
So why did I go off on my tirade here? When many of you are defending my countries honor, and thus it is least deserved? Cause I, and millions like me, am angry at Canada on the whole, though not at all Canadians in particular. I read your papers and get a sense that many of your columnists, at least, fail to judge the American mood acurately. Or believe that a ruined relationship with the U.S.A. will be consequence free. You betcha!!! Just ask the French tourist and wine industries. And didn’t a group of Canadian farmers just converge on the capital to plea for help? Can you name ONE American politician who feels the cattle ban is an urgent matter? Didn’t think so. How long have you had complaints about softwood imports? Boy, we’re really in hurry to solve those issues too, huh?
Canadians should have a crystal clear grasp of the damage that has been done to the relationship between our countries. I’ll not be so presumptuos as to suggest what should be done. Except to remind all of you that we can always find a place for a few more good citizens if it gets too crazy in the frozen north. This nation is proudly made up of those who either left, or were thrown out of their country of origin.
Sorry for being so blunt, but I thought you should know. Thanks for listening.

90 Replies to “Guest BloggerJames B. Badger”

  1. Quit ranting, buddy. And take a walk on the real side of life for once. As a Canadian, that does a lot of business with Americans, I can assure you that I like Americans. Some of my best friends are Americans. Some of my best clients are Americans.
    You can choose to look at labels if you want.. just like many folk up here in Canada can look at labels as well. Canada and the US do more trade than any other two nations.
    Does that mean every single one of us has to accept your premise, or support everything you do? Sorry bud, but that’s illogical. So, don’t buy Canadian products.. even if it is better than the swill you brew down there. That’s fine. I for one am not trying to compete on swill that is political based.
    I don’t agree with your country’s foreighn policy. And belive me, I ain’t no left winger, either.
    You wanna call up my American clients and tell ’em all, that as a Canuck, that doesn’t support American foreign policy, that they shouldn’t be dealing with me, feel free. Some might agree with you. But many woudn’t. And that’s the nice thing about real freedom, don’t you think? instead of having politicians speak for us, we can speak for ourselves, and our values, and where we decide to spend our own hard earned cash, for the most value to us.
    You’re being quite silly in your rant. Many of us totally admire the constitution of the United States, and your Found Fathers. But at the same time, we totally doubt your founding fathers would be in any agreement with what your country’s leaders are doing today.
    Some of us LOVE your constitution, but believe that many Americans have been hoodwinked over the years. By both the left and the right.
    Some of us would recommend that you get back to reading your constitution, and thenm discussing criticims about foreign policy.
    Email me any time. I’m sure our goals are quite similar.. it’s process that we disagree on. And if you’re going to boycott me based on process.. well.. that’s your problem, I guess.

  2. The old canard: “Some of my best friends are…”.
    Then there is the other one by the anti-semite:I do not hate the Jews. Some of my best friends are Jewish.
    Freedom is ringing. Thank you, George Bush.

  3. I’ll also say ‘thanks’ to George Bush and to the American people who have supported him and freedom. The ME is now on its way to functioning as a set of political systems that represent, not a small tribal military dictatorship, but all the people of those countries. That’s quite an achievement and all the naysayers, all the people who sat back and looked the other way at the atrocities of Saddam Hussein and the other tribal countries in that area – have no right to deride that freedom nor the vision and will it took to achieve it.

  4. The majority of us, in western canada, agree with everything Bush has done, and are pissed right off with the attitude politicians in canada have generated.

    A lot of us are even making plans to leave if this idiocy cannot be turned around, and it’s getting awful close.

    Do you really think we want to align ourselves with France out here after having french rammed down our throats, definitely NOT. The so called progressive liberal establishment better be awful careful, as they’ve started something that is going to be finished in a very unfriendly way.

    I agree with the comments of the writer, and don’t blame the Americans for being upset. We all are digging our own hole up here in the name of a very narrow minded and totally corrupted political ideology.

    Go ahead and align yourself with France and drug ladened Morroco, so you can get yourself stabbed in the back, and do you really think your going to build a trading relationship with the people across the pond, and that we have anything that can be brought into there market affordably in order to compete, again NOT. It will end up like all there products coming here that are so full of subsidies that they have to have sky high tax levels to sell anything.

    You people out east better give your head a shake. We here all the time you telling us to turn off the gas flowing south, well our attitude is maybe we should turn it off to you.

    I better stop here….you wouldn�t want to here the rest…

  5. Thank you George Bush for recognizing that Saddam and his lunatic sons were Weapons of Mass Destruction and needed to be eliminated. Ignore the UN, the French and Canadian Liberals who favor appeasement and the status quo. Please remember that America almost elected Gore and Kerry, you have your share of lefties too but fortunately they are in a minority. Perhaps blogs like this one will enable us to catch up to American conservatism.
    Keep freedom moving forward in the ME � �faster please�.

  6. An American Rant is totally justified. Through their MSM Canadians come across as a churlish group of immature people. The content of our gentler, kinder social policies is hypocritical and is not a reflection of our individual personal lives. Canadians by and large have lost interest in personal charity and have assumed a pose of intellectualism that is used to abrogate their personal responsibilities to their fellow Canadians and the rest of the world. It is hopeless to ask them to understand what Mr.Bush is attempting to do or suggest that we as individuals or as a nation involve ourselves in this attempt. I am embarrased by much of what passes for intelligent Canadian comment on American affairs. Mr. Lloyd Axworthy’s letter is simply more of the same.

  7. Canada is the most export-dependent country in the G7. (The US is the least.) Some 86% of those exports go to the US. Forty cents of every dollar earned by Canadians originates with the US. The US has the fastest growing economy in the developed world — the Europeans with whom we’re increasingly hitching our wagon have the slowest.
    The only conclusion to Canada’s behaviour over the last several years is self-harm. If we want to be on the wrong side of history by standing in the way of Middle East reform, that’s our perogative, but to think we can do it by engaging in silly anti-Americanism and never face any consequences is to be in severe denial.
    And besides that, it’s getting downright embrassing.

  8. Much of what he said is spot-on, but some is way off and hypocritical.
    For starters, on naming a politician who cares about the cow ban, Bush’s appointee as the argriculture boss is from a meat packing area that happens to be hurting due to lack of cows to butcher, so he’s got some pressure personally to open the border.
    Also, Canada is no more a leftist appeaser than the US east and west coasts, and if you look at just San Fransisco and Boston, even less so. And Canada and the US VERY MUCH saw eye to eye during the 8 Clinton years, even on foreign policy. It is because Ontario and Quebec voted Liberal that the rest of Canada is lumped into the same idealogue as seen by other countries, so foreigners do not see the support for Bush in western Canada (also some areas in Ontario and East).
    Unfortunately, disgusting anti-Americanism is all too common, and there isn’t a week that goes by in which I don’t debate someone(s) to try and show how their hatred is both illogical and damaging to our countries’ relations (“who cares” is their usual intelligent reply).
    I’ll never forget the American boys hockey team that bussed up to Montreal for a tournament, only to be yelled at during the games, have the officials refuse to speak English to them, and see their flag being burned in the streets. Yes Canada, let’s just keep telling ourselves how tolerant, peaceful and worldly we are.

  9. Also, he says that he knows that not all Canadians are anti-American, but since our elected leaders are, he feels justified in taking out his frustrations on all Canadians. I sometimes catch myself feeling the same way about the French, but it’s illogical to do so.
    During the build up to the war, a tourist with Colorado plates had his car vandalized and grafittied here in Calgary, simply for being an American. I heard him on the radio saying how upset he was, especially since he hated Bush as well and was a Democrat.
    Maybe instead of punishing Canada with softwood and meat bans that hurt US supporting westerners, maybe the US should just stop taking Toronto’s garbage and build some nuclear power plants to halt their reliance on Quebec hydro.

  10. Ronny, thank you for sparing me your harsh words. You are a true gentleman. Unfortunately for your thesis: the majority of Westerners supported the invasion of Iraq, is incorrect. Even in Alberta 60% opposed. I don’t try and pretend that everyone in Ontario agrees with me.
    In the last election the Liberal vote rose in Alberta. Just like the Conservative vote went up in Ontario.
    That said, I agree that hacking on the US hinders Canadian political discourse. We’ve got our own problems, focusing so much on the US distracts us from them. On the other hand, it’s a little rich when the funky bunch who brought us Abu Gharib criticize us.
    Has the torture stopped?
    Or has it just gotten embedded deeper inside Special Access Programs?
    For the West to be successful against its competitors, its lead brand and most important nation, the United States, as with the rest of us, must walk the walk, not just talk the talk.
    Or, how about a freedom flashlight up your ass Iraqi dude?

  11. wasm,

    Not only are your numbers backwards, your just plane wrong….seek help with your statistics if you can’t post them right.

    And as for those in Abu Gharib, they should be thankful they have there head, and very thankful I wasn’t there. You don’t go to war to run a babysitting service.

  12. He’s right and many of us without our heads up the nanny states ass know it. The thing that must happen in this country is for the Liberal disease to be anhilated. Rather than standing for Canadians, Liberal success is perched on the precarious notion of Quebec remaining in confederation. They see themselves as the glue to keeping the country together. It increasingly seems to me that however painful it may be in the short term, Quebec must separate. The Liberals may still have support in Toronto, but that would easily be crushed without Quebec in the picture. Either that or we Canadians will continue to suffer from an immoral and corrupt regime, taxed to death, trade threatened, and more brain dead, ‘progressive social’ ideas that end up as boondoggles. Not to mention the two ‘official’ languages fiasco and the counter productive metric system. Hey, there’s many of us here in Toronto that feel the same way as westerners do.

  13. People were tortured to death. Raped. The FBI reported 80+ year old men laying in their feces in Gitmo. What kind of Kindergarten did you go to Ron? Memories?
    Ron. Macho man: why don’t you head over. There’s good money for those looking for a bit of adventure in Iraq. The few, the brave. Or you simply can blog like a tough guy.
    Private contractors are hiring for prison work. It’s important work. It’s got to be done.
    They need clear-sighted guys like you there.
    I wonder how many of men planting bombs had a flashlight shoved up their ass in Abu Gharib? It’s stuff like that which makes it harder for anyone who thinks western values, western ideas like democracy are superior, to prove it. It stuiff like that which makes it more likely American soldiers will be killed.
    Canadians are perfectly capable of screw ups. Remember Somalia. (Though that wasn’t government policy) But what country is really causing damage here?

  14. As best as I can chart it, it goes something like this:
    1) 10 or 15 years ago America hardly knew anything about Canada except it was an ally and a friend.
    2) Canadian anti-American rhetoric makes it way into the American consciousness. We’re angered and hurt.
    3) Now we seem to be in the beginnings of hearing anti-American rhetoric, getting a little mad, but saying, “Oh, them. It’s only Canada. What do you expect? They’re like France.”
    There are already people in the US who regard France as an “enemy.” I expect if things don’t change, there will come a popular notion that Canada is basically an “enemy.”
    I’m saddened to see that the biggest casualty so far has been the feeling of “kinship” that American have felt for Canada, at least during my lifetime.
    All of you great Canadian conservatives are vital in keeping our relationship alive.

  15. Your confused, I would have no trouble going to fight along side the Americans, and have in the past, because of left wing no mind idiots like you.

    You have obviously been brain washed by all the left wing MSM rhetoric, and it�s pointless to debate the issue with you because no matter what i say, your going to bring your anti American sentiment into the debate.

    And as for the flashlight, if I was to shove it up your ass, we could use you as a lighthouse with the light emanating from your ears, due to the empty space in your head.

    My apologies to Kate for my statements, but this is typical display from the left of the missguided idiocy.

  16. wsam, people have been using Abu gharib, along with a couple of other instances, ever since they were known about, for touting there beliefs on moral equivalence between the west and other parts of the world. Soldiers and combatants know full well that if they are captured, they could be tortured. This, of course, doesn’t make it right. However, you should be careful not to compare combatants being tortured to innocent aid workers, journalists etc. who are tortured and beheaded on film for very different reasons.
    By saying we are no better than them because of the few cases you can count on one hand while at the same time ignoring DAILY examples of honour killings and rapes, slavery, stoning, machete massacres, people shredders, mass graves and genocide, you come across as willfully blind to obvious examples that things may actually be better in the west.
    As for your democracy statement, I’m not sure what the hell you’re thinking. Maybe look at immigration patterns to and from democratic nations compared to dictatorships and theocracies. I haven’t heard of too many instances of families jamming themselves into cargo containers with the risk of suffocation to get INTO China or North Korea. And obviously the people who use the door from their shanty as a raft to try the run to Miami just don’t know how good they have it in Castro’s paradise.

  17. Hey Rob, as quite a few people know, I’m an old VietNam veteran, and I’ll be happy to share a fox hole with you any day.

  18. Greg,

    Thanks, anytime, we may be doing that some day if people like wasm have there way, so I’ll keep the flashlight ready for him… 😉

  19. I’m sorry.
    I thought invading Iraq was about spreading democracy, spreading our values.
    An Australian army officer once explained to me what, as far as the Australian army had made clear to him, these values meant. Three words: The Geneva Conventions. In important way, he felt they definded what it was to be an western soldier. Once you violated those conventions, you were no longer considered a soldier. You were a criminal. You were no longer worthy of the respect and protection Australia offers its soldiers.
    Sounds like something from a bad movie …
    How could he be so confident? Easy. Western Values as expressed in the Geneva Conventions are better. They were better than those offered by other civilizations, other societies. The west offers a better code of conduct. This means Australian soldiers are better than say, Indonesian soldiers. (Unlike Indonesians, they don’t torture their prisoners, for example). As how I assume American soldiers are ordered to adhere to a higher standard of behaviour than say a Taliban soldier fighting jihad for Islam.
    Maybe this is a bit too much white man’s burdeny, or onward Christian soldier. But he felt it was important that western soldiers operate in and informed by a better culture. It makes us who we are.
    We are not on top not just because we’ve got better stuff. We run better societies.
    Before I get called a racist, it is important to remember that I am saying the values expressed in the Geneva Conventions are universal. They are transferable. Like Math. Like Physics.
    Our values work as well in Tel Aviv as in China as in Ottawa, Houston, Rio and Berlin. When Bush, who I disagree with almost habitually by now, says Bin Laden hates freedom, this is what I think he means. Modernity. It poses a threat to those who want to live in a mediveal theocracy.
    We have not only invented these stadards, but we live by them. Adhere to them. They define who we are. Like soldiers and the Geneva Conventions.
    So we can insist a country like Eygpt is failing to make the grade. That China must treat its people better.
    I know, instead, why don’t Greggy and Robbie stop telling each other how cool you both are and explain to me why we, in the west, shouldn’t worry about failures to live up to the ideals we claim we’re so concerned about promoting.
    Why isn’t Abu Gharib a set back? Why isn’t it shameful the US is still torturing people? When people outside the west think of the west they think of the United States. The US is the lead brand for what we collectively are.
    Most people in the Middle East believe the US is just the latest in a long string of Empires, crawling accross the desert for its own ends. Like the Brits but really wicked at playstation.
    Prove them wrong. Every day. Stop torture. Show them what the western culture, the United States, is all about. Why it is worth copying.
    Greg: How has France suffered? Trade is up with the US. Has been for a while. Your buddies might think up some more effective means to oppose their enemy.
    PS Jthuck. Thanks for the warning buddy. I don’t know what I would do without guys like you around to stop me from comparing guys with jihad scrwalled accross their foreheads who are beheading anyone they can get their hands on, to instances where Iraqis have been tortured. Asshole.
    Hey Greggy, Robbie wants to tell you about this idea he has for a great Kindergarten.
    You like that flashlight thing eh Rob?
    I’m scared guys. What’s next? You going to type in a threatening manner at me? Use crazy messed up grammer?

  20. Gee i don’t know wasm, maybe I’ll just skip your idle garbage and come out to Toronto to discuss this.

    After all there’s only 2 of ya in the area, so i got a 50/50 chance of getting it right the first time, and based on your obvious character, would be able to pick you out on the first shot.

    Don’t take anonymity so lightly, I do this for a living.

  21. wsam – do a google search on the Geneva conventions. You’ll discover that very few of the combatants taken in Iraq or elsewhere are protected by the conventions – because they don’t adhere to the requirements. ”
    I think you can even do a site search here and find it in the archives.

  22. “You going to type in a threatening manner at me?”
    Sort of like, ” Thanks for the warning buddy” “Asshole”.
    Nice. You asked for examples of how the west is better than the rest, so I gave a few, and you become petulant and resort to name-calling.

  23. wsam, no one in the US approves of the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison. As you well know, the guilty have been and are being prosecuted and sent to jail.
    We also realize that some offenses committed by a few in war time do not call into question our overall objectives, strategies, or motives.
    This is all public knowledge and very clear to you. And so I fail to understand your reasons for continuing to obsess about a matter that you know is being thoroughly adjudicated.
    One thing is clear. You’re not a friend of my country, our government, or our people.

  24. All I can say too this American rant is RIGHT ON!!!
    As a Proud Albertan but ashamed Canadian, Canada deserves to have its ass kicked for its backstabbing and gutless ways!!
    We out in the West are truly your ally America.
    Please Invade us and take us into your union……anything to get us away from Ottawa!!
    Devon in Calgary

  25. If it was easy to move to the States, I’d take my family in a heartbeat. At least down there, when push comes to shove, the people go with a LEADER! Not this mr dithers that we are stuck with. After 9/11, after watching good old lloyd robertson on the old ‘communist broadcasting corp’, I got on the phone and sent via Visa a hundred US bucks to USO. It was the only way I could think of to give a bit of an apology to our American Friends for the stupidity of our ‘leaders’ and taxpayer funded media.
    I am getting very emmbarrased to be a canadian. The only solution to this mess, is for the West to go it’s own way. I hope Stephen Harper realizes fairly fast that his current path of kissing up to quebec is a fast road to nowhere, and starts doing what he should, and split the West off!

  26. I have never been more proud to be a Canadian than in the past few weeks as Parliament dealt with the Bush Administration, its Ambassador, Mr. Celluci and their pressure to make Canada fall into line with their new “unilateralist” policy for the militarization of space, and for their partnership with Israel in obtaining a “nuclear first strike” capability against anyone what might challenge their hegemony in the world.
    This US administration is following the policy of the Third Reich because it seeks total dominance and control over its neighbours in all forms, military, civil, commerical and financial. This is about American and Israeli hegemony, power and control, and its policy of “nuclear first strike” against those that do not agree with them.
    Canadians hate war, but we are also realistic because global war is coming, and it will be nuclear, it will likely take off from where John Kennedy and Nikita Khruschev left it, and very few will surive for very long.
    There is nothing quite so dangerous as nuclear weapons and madmen controling them. Its does not matter much in the end if those madmen were Saddam Hussein, or George Bush II.
    Canadians are not “mad” at Americans, or even “anti-American”. Canadians are very frightened of Americans. And that has not been the case in these parts since 1812.

  27. TD182A, what is stopping you? The borders are open, you hate it here, and consequences are coming to Canada – US relations. Thirty three million Canadians are not going to be bullied by this American Administration, anymore than the Finns were bullied into quick submission by the Red Army.
    Paraphrasing Sir Winston “let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, that if we should last for a thousand years; men will still say — THIS WAS THEIR FINEST HOUR”.

  28. Joe,

    You don’t speek for me, or anyone else for that matter. The reality of today’s enemy is far different from 60 years ago. If you wish to hide under a rock and assume that you’ll be safe, that’s fine, but don’t expect the rest of us to accept your twisted view of reality.

    It’s not a matter of if somethings going to happen but when, and with the known tactics of the individuals creating the situation, you will never know it’s coming.

    Continue to hide under your rock, and hopefully you retain your head.

  29. Let me get this straight. Canada is the US’s largest trading partner. We’re partners in NORAD. We fought together in 2 world wars, Korea, Afganistan. We speak the same language. We have the world’s longest undefended border. And we’re the enemy? Meanwhile France is a longtime ally, a democracy, sent troops and generals to the US war of independence, gave the US its most compelling symbol of freedom the Statue of Liberty, and it’s also the enemy? Meanwhile China is COMMUNIST, owns a huge amount of the US’s debt, has the world’s largets standing army, doesn’t support the US in Afganistan, and it’s a FRIEND? And Pakistan, hotbed of islamic radicalism and a military dictatorship to boot, is a great friend? Saudi Arabia, home of most of the 911 terrorists, another great friend?
    C’mon people, have some perspective.

  30. buzz, you are confusing official government policy with popular opinion.
    Many here feel that France is our enemy. A nation can have an enemy without military hostilities. We carry on trade (though some avoid buying French products) and try to work in our national interst. However many feel like France opposes us, doesn’t like us, tries to undermine us, and makes trouble for us. So in that sense some see them as our enemy.
    Regrettably, there are a lot of things about France we like. There is nothing about the language, culture or country that we specifically dislike. It all has to do with the antagonism that they express to the US.

  31. Greg outside Dallas wrote:
    “Regrettably, there are a lot of things about France we like. There is nothing about the language, culture or country that we specifically dislike. It all has to do with the antagonism that they express to the US.”
    And of course Buzz is exasperated with the sheer mandacity of the “neocons” and their Big Lies (France, Canada, etc, etc are enemies) (Communist China, Dictatorships in Pakistan, Cleptocracies in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are friends).
    Then there are psychotics like Rob who sees a threat everywhere, even when there actually is no Boggie Man, out there, somewhere.
    Canada, its government, its people stood up to the Emperor George II. There are those like Rob who lack courage and have no steel in their spine.
    The reality of today’s enemy is actually someone like Lyin George Bush, a neocon like Lyin Brian Mulroney, who is trying to frighten people for his own private personal gain.
    Together with the Cheney-Rumsfeld-Wolfwitz-Perle “axis of evil” they have conspired against their own people to build up a “first strike capility in Israel” with which to threaten the people of Russia, Ukraine, other countries of Europe and Iran. Their purpose is to start a “premptive first strike nuclear war” for world dominance. Its as clear as anything ever written in Mein Kampf.

  32. Yeah, as we all know, the Jews are famous for their history of committing genocide.
    Come out of your hole, Alice, and bring your little rabbit with you.

  33. Joe

    So I’m a psychotic because I’ve been trained to be proactive instead of reactive. Anticipated you would say that, and because of your flawed leftwing nutbag ideology we have four cops dead. How, well wingnuts like you would blame it on the cops so everything disappears and you go back to your friggen dreamworld and everyone’s happy, when the real people here know that it’s due to budget cuts and short staffing, and liberal wackos like you channeling the money to the john howard society.

    History has shown that your attitude has cost millions of lives, the jews, pearl harbor, etc, etc.. Get a brain cell and look at the real world, unless your one of the nutcases that’s bleeding the system, which is what it sounds like. Chicken shits like you hide in your houses, while the real people are walking the river valley, millwoods etc., keeping your stupid ass safe.

    Why do we bother, because there is people that actually do appreciate the proactive response, and the faces of kids we all have to look at.

    The same proactivity has to be applied on the international scene, whether you agree with it or not, but you dumb ass liberals can’t see past the tip of your pointed noses.

    A little harsh…..damn rights…

  34. Joe Green is an anti-American hatemonger who poisons the waters between the peoples of two nations who should be the best of friends.
    I will avoid my temptation in the direction of an adolescent suggestion. I’ll simply say I wouldn’t speak to him in person, so I don’t see why I should speak to him here.

  35. Greg,

    That’s how these parasites got a foothold in canada. Everyone just said ignore them they’ll go away. Don’t let the same thing happen in your great nation. Hit them head on and hard. There idiology is totally flawed, and they’ll have you going shopping in a tu tu if they get control. I kept silent for a lot of years, but no more. I’m sick of there whining and bleeding the system through the special interest avenue, so they can just sit on there butt collecting.

  36. Rob, I completely agree.
    Believe me, we have the same crazies down here. Fortunately, as you can see by the last election, there are more of us than there are of them. It’s one thing that saves us.
    My hope is that blogs like Kate’s are a symptom that sanity can begin to reassert itself in Canada.
    Incidentally, in keeping with the topic on, Paul Martin’s government’s parliamentary secretary for Canada-US relations, a certain Marlene Jennings, said, “Let’s embarrass the hell out of the Americans in front of other countries that they are attempting to negotiate with on new binational trade agreements.”
    And then some Canadians wonder how Americans could be upset with them?

  37. Am I the only right-wing canadian who is tired of the “I’m embarrassed to be a Canadian, and I want to live in America” whine? I reserve the same contempt for these people that right wing americans have for american liberals who always threaten to leave the US when Republican presidents are elected. If you really want to leave, then just leave, don’t whine about it for pete’s sake. For good or ill we live in a DEMOCRACY, that means we all have a vote at it every 4-5 years or so, if you’re side loses, you don’t pout and threaten to take your ball and go home, you roll up your sleeves and get to work to make your families, communities, cities and country better. If you want to make a better ‘conservative’ Canada, you’ve got my support, if you don’t,get out of the damn way and don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

  38. Thank’s Gregg,

    I’ll be making an issue of that here with what’s suppose to be representitives, and send some liberal hate mail as well.

    That’s just plain utter idiocy. You guys wouldn’t even notice if trade stopped from canada or not, it’s a very small portion of your market.

    These liberals talk real big until you kick them in the ass. I wouldn’t blame you in the least if you sealed the borders and said…up yours. That would sure wake the rest of these idiots up.

  39. There’s a problem with the “don’t let the door hit you on the ass” approach. At the rate of departure, it doesn’t get a chance to open and close. Unlike the US, where disaffected lefties cry and moan, disaffected Canadians are actually following through and leaving – in an ratio of 6 to every 1 American who comes here.
    The problem becomes even more alarming when you find who’s leaving – doctors, nurses, professionals, business persons.
    I don’t hate Canada. It’s just that I don’t recognize my country anymore. It’s changing that fast, and in profound ways that may not be easily reversed. It’s not a US vs Canada choice anymore. It’s a US vs a generic smallish country a la western Europe.

  40. I have read this entire cross-border conversation. I must say that both americans and canadians writing here seem to be suffering from a lack of ability to express themselves in an adult manner. The medium is the message-right? The word “etiquette” is french, so, maybe you should refer to a dictionary.

  41. >Canadians are very frightened of Americans.
    “Canadian” (people like you, Joe) legislate and behave as if they are frightened of living.

  42. Our apologies DisBelief,

    We had to come down to the liberal level to deal with them. It required the removal of 300gm of cranium matter which will take about another 8 hours to re-generate.

    As for the “etiquette” is french, I just ordered my Boycott France stickers from Bill O’Rielly, and am having some Boycott Quebec & Ontario stickers made.

    Still feeling kind of childish….if ya know what I mean.

  43. Let me tell you a secret about Americans. If countries were animals, we would be a big dog. Sure, if you’re an enemy, we will eventually eat your face. But the truth is that if you pat us on the head a couple of times a year, we will probably give you a key to the bank.
    This is why so many of your politicians have betrayed you. They and the MSM have totally and unnecessarily created this climate of hostility and suspicion with the giant to the south. When all you would have had to do is say, “Good dog,” a couple of times a year.
    I mean it’s strictly a no-brainer.
    If Canada wanted to cozy up to Europe (why bother?) your political class could do it like Britain with an acknowledgement of American contribution. What the hell has Europe done for you recently?
    Your military strength lies with us. Your trading partner is mostly us. Outside of cattle and lumber, our trading tradition works smoothly. We speak the same language, live on the same continent, marry each other, go to the same universitities, and read a huge number of the same books.
    My view is that this hostility is unnecessary and pointless, and largely a creation of political opportunism, political stupidity and political bad faith.

  44. Kate, a very big THANK YOU! You articulate my thoughts much better than I can!
    As for me taking my marbles and leaving the game, not likly. Canada is a beautiful country and it could be one to be very proud of. Our problem seems to be that we are perpetually never able to elect a gov’t that has the guts to ‘do the right thing’ for the right reasons. Our governments end up kissing the required asses in order to stay in power. We end up debating why Joe should be able to mary Dick, and Mary wed Jane, rather than why we spend something like $6 Billion bucks a year on +- 180,000 natives a year and they live in poverty. Why and how can we spend $350,000,000 on +-150 natives in Davis Inlet, and have them in worse shape than before. No hope, No future.
    As for working within the current system to try to change it? Never going to work. The east has the power (population), and their heritage is pacifists who left the states rather than join the independance movement. The West’s heritage is a mix of independant people with the strength and courage to leave a life with no future in old europe, and forge a new life on their own in a new land. The basic beliefs of the two will never mix nor will they be truly understood by the other.
    One last thought before I quit my rant. The lefties will be happy to hear that we can blame most of our current state of stupidity on the Yanks. Because we inhabit the same continent alone, and because they spend the dollars and lives required to have the most powerful military on earth, we have no enemys to be physically concerned with; we don’t have to watch our backs. We have allowed ourselves to be consumed with trivial, inconsequential matters. We no longer have the ability to defend ourselves. We are the yappy little do-gooder in the background pretending we are listened too and respected in the world. All we are is tolerated and used. Check out Australia. They have defend their own country. They have a small but significant Army, Navy and Air Force. They are respected. They are also in Iraq!

  45. Hey Greg,
    The only solution seems to be for us to opt out of canada. The east hates the west, except when there raping us for cash. The west hates the east because we can�t have any representation in Ottawa, intentionally. The ideologies and morals of the west collide with the east as they are closely aligned and very similar to the US.

    The separation could be beneficial for all actually. The East would be gay and happy, as there would be no trouble makers. The west would be happy to get the monkey off there back, and the US would be happy as it would have a channel for it�s pipeline from Alaska.

    The majority of us, especially in Alberta(not sure about Sask.), have lost all loyalty to anything canadian. We don�t feel there is anything there that represents our views, so what�s the point of continuing. We have tried for exactly 100 years, this year, and 100 years is enough!

  46. Kate Wrote”
    “Yeah, as we all know, the Jews are famous for their history of committing genocide.”
    God Wrote: (Zephaniah 3:1-7)
    The Future of Jerusalem
    Woe to the city of oppressors,
    rebellious and fefiled!
    She obeys no-one,
    she accepts no correction.
    She does not trust in the Lord,
    she does not draw near to her God.
    Her officials are roaring lions,
    her rulers are evening wolves,
    who leave nothing for the morning.
    Her prophets are arrogant;
    they are treacherous men.
    Her priests profane the sanctuary
    and do violence to the law.
    The Lord within her is righteous;
    he does no wrong.
    Morning by morning he dispenses his justice
    and every new day he does not fail,
    yet the unrighteous know no shame.
    I have cut off nations;
    their strongholds are demolished.
    I have left their streets deserted,
    with no-one passing through
    Their cities are destroyed;
    no-one will be left – no one at all.
    I said to the city,
    “Surely you will fear me
    and accept correction!”
    Then her dwelling would not be cut off,
    nor all my punishments come upon her.
    But they were still eager
    to act corruptly in all they did.
    “Therefore wait for me,” declares the Lord
    “for the day I will stand up to testify.
    I have decided to assemble the nations,
    to gather the kingdoms
    and to pour out my wrath on them –
    all my fierce anger.
    The whole world will be consumed
    by the fire of my jealous anger.
    pp 1181 The Bible: New International Version
    Quite obviously this will not mean anything to “neocons” in the atheistic Ayn Rand tradition.
    Still this prophesy of nuclear war is unmistakable for genuine Christians, Jews as well as Muslims believers.
    Even Buddhists will recognize the “justness” inherent in these Scriptures.
    Has there ever been anything ever written that more precisely describes Paul Wolfwitz and Richard Perle???
