Cuba: Model In Health Care

Havana (VNA) – Jack Chi-con Chow, Deputy Director of the World Health Organisation (WHO), after returning from a visit to Cuba, praised the country’s primary healthcare services as a model for other countries to employ.
The WHO official highlighted the fact that Cuba’s healthcare network is intended to reach every citizen and has been kept running constantly. He said that given its encouraging experiences in combating HIV/AIDS, Cuba should make more active contributions to devising a global strategy against the disease.
Jack Chi hailed the country’s regular HIV/AIDS campaigns which have drawn the voluntary participation of people from all walks of life, especially young people. One such campaign calls on people to learn to live with HIV/AIDS.
He reiterated WHO’s commitment to maintain its cooperation with Cuba.
While in Cuba, the delegation visited the Los Cocos health centre which provides free treatment for AIDS patients and other clinical facilities.





Photos are of El Hospital Clinico Quirurgico de la Habana.source
More, in English.

17 Replies to “Cuba: Model In Health Care”

  1. It’s “encouraging experiences in combating HIV/AIDS”? What would those experiences be, executing anybody who shows up positive?
    Okay, I shouldn’t make fun – Canada’s health care has a lot in common with Cuba’s and I have no doubt you folks will ever execute AIDS positives.

  2. “Isn’t the free treatment for AIDS on some Devil’s Island?”
    My guess is yes – it’s called Florida.

  3. Uplifting, and everyone in Cuba can read too. Why even Dave Suzuki found that because they have to grow their own food on every available piece of vacant land in Havanna they were much closer to their peasant roots, I mean besides being really really hungry. Commies rock!

  4. Warning: I am about to say something nice about Cuba.
    It is my understanding that Cuba does (did?) do somethings right in the health care side of things, they have a reasonably efficient “primary care and prevention” branch that does correctly what a lot of the third world completely and miserably fails to do.
    That being said, actually getting sick or injured with anything is pretty bad news if your a cuban.

  5. They maybe dirt poor and enslaved, but at least they are all fully literate.
    I love such examples of world class healthcare,where squalor,evenly distributed, is a sign of progress.Just how can a nation so poor have such fine health services, is a subject that Castro apologists never bother to answer.They must assume everyone is as stupid as them.

  6. Jsut how do you know,Fred? Because they tell you? A nation this poor CANNOT have good healthcare.

  7. Here in Saskatchewan, we’re not there yet, and we probably won’t sink that low, but, BUT, we are generally following the same model, and the results, well….
    I have now had different people who are professionals in the health care system give me the same warning on different occasions. “If you are getting an operation, make sure that you are scheduled first thing in the morning”. Why? then you know that the instruments have been properly sterilized, by the overnight procedure. Otherwise, yuck.
    They know what they are talking about, but it’s only in whispers. It needs to be shouted from the rooftops. Ahhhh, Tommy, Romanow, et al, thanks a ton.

  8. I’m still laughing at Castro being at Trudeau’s funeral.
    Poetry that is lost on the red masses.

  9. Don’t take your disdain of all things communist out on the dedicated Doctors, Nurses, and other Health care workers in Cuba who are desperately trying to accomplish what their Political Masters demand but blindly sabotage.

  10. Photo Tour of Healthcare in Socialist Paradise

    A favorite myth of the willfully deluded fools who dominate the Left is that you can improve healthcare by removing the guiding hand of the free market and letting it be regulated instead through coercion, like Amtrak and the Post…

  11. fidel, can you say “blogs”?

    It’s no wonder why fidel castro limits and sometimes forbids his people from using the internet. The only way he can stay in power is through the ignorance of his people to what the outside world really is. The more…

  12. Hey, come on, all I’m saying cuba is marginally better organized than most third world hell holes.
    (Proof? Family members worked (not in heralth care)in various bits of the 3rd world for decades, it’s extremely obvious when your “primary health care” is useless. Cuba doesn’t have those signs. Haiti, for example, does.)
