Reader Links

Hey folks. Kate writing from sunny North Carolina. There are daffodils here. Considering the snowplows we had to wait clear the runway in the stop in Regina, it’s an improvement.
No time to surf or blog, (or watch the news) so again, I’ll invite my readers to post any links to good news items or blog posts in the comments. And keep beating up on poor old Joe Green. He’s resilient, if nothing else!
My lucky seminar attendees are starting to congregate and I’m getting ready for the powerpoint presentation. (Topic is breeding, evaluating, training and grooming Miniature Schnauzers.)
Let the indoctrination begin!
And Kathy K. … if you’re surfing through. I’ve been trying to get hold of you!

54 Replies to “Reader Links”

  1. You can breed a Master race of schnauzers? If you can manage that, running a grow op should be a snap!
    Are you in Cary, staying at the Embassy Suites?

  2. This WASP demands apology for Muslim extremism,barbarity,terrorism and all that screaming and yelling.

  3. I watched Mr. Harper, and Mr. MacKay and read some material by David Orchard, who was barred from attending the Conservative Convention.
    It is amazing how much Harper and MacKay resemble the Nixon hatchett man O’Neill during Watergate. And it is amazing what a picture of a true patriot emerges for both Mr. Kerry and for Mr. Orchard.
    It just goes to show that the whores remain firmly in control of Canada’s historic Conservative Party and that it stands for nothing that Sir John A, down to Joe Clark ever stood for as Prime Ministers. Rather, its a party of treachery and betrayal, with only foreign allegences.
    O’Neill and Kerry are long-term adversaries.
    In 1971, when Kerry started speaking out against the war, O’Neill formed a group called Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace to speak out against Kerry, the New Yorker magazine reported.
    It was formed with with assistance of Charles Colson, then the chief counsel of U.S. President Richard Nixon, a Republican. Colson was later imprisoned for his role in the Watergate scandal.

  4. Psycho Joe,

    Your intentions are totally obvious, and have been proven here time and again. You twist history to make it sound in your own mind to advance your left wing agenda. If your intention is to find converts, it’s not working, as we all see through your demented reality.

  5. If there’s one thing I can’t forgive Nixon, and that is that he and Hoover had a 3″ thick file on Joe,with photos and all, and they didn’t haul him off to one of the well known Scaife re-education camps that can be found in Jesse Helms’ old district.Thousands of Joe’s old comrades,some from the Mackenzie-Papineau brigade,others who got their asses whipped from Dulles and the United Fruit Co, have long disappeared.Joe sure doesn’t want his pals to know he was an FBI stoolie, but there ya go.He may have sold a few out along the way, giving Kissinger and Pinochet that extra special info that made all the difference.Screw it, Nixon should fragged his ass, and buried him where he did all the others.

  6. “It just goes to show that the whores remain firmly in control of Canada’s historic Conservative Party”. This quote is taken from one Joe Green, perhaps more aptly, one Joe Red, or Joe Stalin.
    David Orchard is several degrees left of most of the NDP, Bloq, and our neo-socialist liberals.
    He is pro Canadian Wheat Board, anti-NAFTA, anti-WTO, anti-FTAA, he is, in fact, against every true principal Canadian conservatives have.
    Stick to what you know, Joe, like being a flaming, far-left socialist, and leave the definition of what a true Conservative is to someone who has a clue.

  7. On a more news-worthy front, it looks like the federal government is about to transfer its entire fleet of grain hopper cars to a socialist organization known as the Farmer Rail Car Coalition (FRCC) for the princly sum of $1.
    So much for Paul Martin fixing the democratic defecit, when as recently as november, the Standing Comittee on Transport (SCOT), containing members from three parties, recommended that due diligence be done, examing all bidders, and their expected costs.
    The giving away of this vital fleet of hopper cars for political pork, and without due dilligence is mind boggling. , or google frcc and 2005.

  8. Yes the Canadian media have chosen to show all negative about Harper, which is another dissappointment:

    After this convention, it’s obvious that the move is to create very little separation between the three parties(PC/Lib/NDP), and that they are all going to work togethor to maintain there jobs with a heavy left tilt.

    The conservatives will not advance if the don’t kiss eastern butt at the expense of the west, and the net cost to Alberta since 1961 to be Canadian has been in excess of $250-billion, with no return on investment. Alberta cannot afford to continue to subsidize Canada and the majority of Albertans believe it is no longer acceptable for us to do so, especially with a population base of 3 mil. We’re slaves in our own country.

  9. Rob wrote:
    “The conservatives will not advance if the(y) don’t kiss eastern butt at the expense of the west, and the net cost to Alberta since 1961 to be Canadian has been in excess of $250-billion, with no return on investment.”
    First of all, I dispute your figures although I agree that Alberta has been a net contributor to Canada after the discovery of oil in Leduc. Prior to that, Alberta was a “have not province” a status that it may well return to when the oil runs out because sucessive Progressive Conservative Governments have done nothing to prepare for a rainy day that is most certainly coming.
    But if you really want to know why Alberta has done so consistently poorly in relationship to the rest of Canada, and Ottawa in particular, just look at the poor quality leaders we keep selecting.
    Klein is a drunk. He assaults the poor, and thumbs his nose at the rest of Canada. Look at the shit he tried over the sterilization cases after the Province was found responsible for gross human rights violations when it engaged in forced sterilizations against those that it deemed were “unfit”.
    We could have done much better. Trudeau offered to deal by double tracking the railroads across the West as part of a deal to hold down oil prices domestically within Canada. Peter Lougheed was the one that said “no deal”. Lougheed was into buying up national air carriers and airlines, if you remember.
    Just look at the “political leadership” that Alberta has brought to the national table. Don Getty and the “Edmonton Resolution” was to make a change in the Constitution that required “unanimous” agreement with all the provinces before a Constitutional Amendment could move forward. Who believes that such a thing could ever happen in reality? Well this Alberta Premier evidently did because that is exactly what he proposed, its what Mulroney adopted and its what Canadians rejected.
    Just look at the so-called conservatives now. They cannot walk and chew bubblegum at the same time. Remember that Harper is Mulroney’s man, and Preston Manning opposed Mulroney on Meech Lake. Then there is David Orchard, perhaps the only one in the entire group that has a modicum of “integrity”. Orchard at least, stands beside Diefenbaker in his demand for “One Canada”. All the others are political whores, every last one of them.
    And the Conservative tent is not big enough for actual Progressive Conservatives like Joe Clark and Ms. MacDonald, and David Orchard, but if you are a right wing whore, then you are welcome.
    And these clowns actually have talked themselves into a frenzy about winning the next election.
    My advice is for them to cool their jets.

  10. “David Orchard…Man of Integrity”????????????
    Thank you, Joe Green. You are funny and pathetic, if nothing else.

  11. Conservatives like Joe Clark and Ms. MacDonald, and David Orchard

    You got to be kidding Joe, You obviously know nothing about history, and I don’t really care what you think about the local gov’s. In my opinion they haven’t been tough enough. Go ahead and dispute my figures:

    at least I have a link of some form to back it up, unlike what you present.

  12. There is one thing you have to remember when you are reading posts from Joe Green.There was a washed up movie actor who was as stupid or stupider than G.W.Bush who took on the wise,benevolent people of the Soviet central committee and defeated them without firing a shot and broke up their whole house of cards.Every time the actors name is mentioned, or the people who helped him, the bile rises up and he goes into a thoughtless rant.As my father used to say,he is more to be pitied than laughed at.

  13. Reagan and Bush are my heros(as joe’s blood starts to boil). I think we should rename Edmonton, and Calgary to Reaganville and Bushville. It would be the only honourable thing to do(anyone no if Joe’s head blew off yet?).

  14. The rantings and ravings of Joe Green are all the proof we need that Mad Cow Disease is in Canada. Don’t let those CALF guys in Montana know.

  15. Actually Jeff, he is one of the mad cows, that’s why there’s so much trouble on the border. The Liberals here are doing there best to plant there virus so it spreads in the population. Unfortunately, it also infects cows and a bad side effect is that the’ve learned to talk.

    Were herding them up now and shipping them back to ottawa. We have a big coral there called the parliment that they escaped from, so will have to make sure we bolt the doors shut this time….

  16. Well, I’m off to Seattle and Olympia for a few days, getting in some new skills at being an oppressive hegemonist (It’s SUCH fun), so I’ll miss out on the Joe Green Circus of Doom for awhile. I hope Joe can think up an oriinal thought while I’m away, and make us all proud that we’ve put some evolutionary pressure on the old dinosaur. Come on Joe! You can do it! Spruce up your polemics to prove you’re something more than just another herd animal.

  17. howie meeker wrote:
    “Screw it, Nixon should fragged his ass, and buried him where he did all the others.”
    Its like I said, “neo-cons” sooner or later always show criminal intent.

  18. Jeff in Pullman, WA opined:
    “Well, I’m off to Seattle and Olympia for a few days, getting in some new skills at being an oppressive hegemonist (It’s SUCH fun), so I’ll miss out on the Joe Green Circus of Doom for awhile.”
    Its too bad you were born 2,000 years too late. As a Roman, you would have been a much happier imperialist. Who knows, you might have even been able to meet the Great Caesar and compare him to his current incarnation in the White House.

  19. Hey Joe,
    I’m just a dumb American but even I know Alberta has enough coal to keep this whole continent fired up for centuries. So their ‘return to the have not status’ is in no way imminent. AND even
    I know a moonbat when I see one … that’d be you

  20. From what I’ve read the Chinese are buying up coal like crazy – but with Kyoto, will Alberta be able to dig it up?

  21. We already are, and have companies like Luscar handling it( ), but I currently have no idea what market they supply. They were dead for a number of years, and have made a comback in the last 8 years with the new scrubber technology.

  22. Hmmm… didn’t see anything in there statements. I think the number 2 industry primarily supplies for power generation throughout North America. I thino they probably have all they can handle here. The Oil and gas market is huge by comparison with an estimated 350 billion barrels in the tar sands. With the price of fuel/oil, I would assume there’s a larger concentration there.

    The most recent mega project announced ran into a snag when the city of Fort McMurray said they couldn’t handle it, so the company said it would build it’s own city. That’s one huge project when they’ll even build there own city for it… 🙂

    Watch the fed’s screw it up on a tax grab…..aaarrgghhh

  23. Joe, you have no sense of humour at all.I also am not a neo-con.I was never a liberal, so do try to keep up.That’s what it means to be a neo-con.Look it up.If you wish to use it as perjorative, it’s wasted on me.

  24. Not much available at this link, just an extract of a letter to an editor:
    in today’s Montreal Gazette: “I was happy to read, as reported in The Gazette, that former prime minister Brian Mulroney’s lung surgery was successful, and that this whole ordeal has had a happy ending for him and his family. It was a relief to see that, contrary to what the media leads us to believe, our medical system is up and running most efficiently. According to your article, Mulroney’s waiting time from CAT-scan to surgery was only 11 days.”
    Gee, has Kate been fibbing about health care up there?

  25. Kate fibbing?… 😉

    We have a great health care system, we all pay to go to the US were you’ll actually get fixed. We’ve been ranked number 30 by the world health organization…. but the feds still say we have the best system in the world. Could it be because we all went somewhere else to get service?

  26. Thank you Greg, that was so funny and so “right on”. Its about time we told all the right wing lunatics to pursue their dreams by moving to the United States. That would advance their careers, and return Canada to a calm and tranquil land that was secure in its “peace, order and good government”. As the author wrote, everyone would be happy and well served.
    Do you think that Kate and her pet poodle Ezra would take Andy Barrie’s advice?
    Should be easy for Kate to leave behind all those winter blizards and boring Saskatchewan governments. Maybe she could find a home down there for Grant Devine and fifteen of his former cabinet colleagues that will soon be looking for fresh digs. Crowbar hotels are so drafty in Canada.

  27. “Danger Up North”
    “Canada’s welcome mat for terrorists” by Deroy Murdock.
    What is a welcome mat? Where is the welcome mat? Montreal, Mississauga, Ont., Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa, Moose Jaw, Halifax, Gimli….?
    Next door? Down the street? In that internet cafe?
    Note the use of the word: “terrorists”.

  28. Actually Joe, were all going to stay here so we can keep you in line. We only outnumber you by about 99 to 1, so I hope you like turbulance. Your left wing distortion of the truth, and your failure to answer and back up what you say has to be kept in check.

  29. maz2, whoops! I apologize for posting something that you have already posted about. I’m very new to this, and will be glad when Kate returns and the site will be once again in capable hands.

  30. Greg – you’re not the first to do that (I think I have that honor). As a result, Rob said Canada was going to declare war on Arizona and even worse, Kate is gonna ban me when she gets back.

  31. Jay,

    Great plan!!!

    We could declare war on the US, and you all could walk right over us while the feds figure out who owns the guns in the registry. Could take them years!!

  32. Ok Jay and Greg,

    Your under attack, were towing our plans and tanks to the border know. We have some very solid tatics up here, you have to figure out which ones are manned, kind of a shortage of personnel.

    We got a call into ottawa to find out what kind of fuel these sherman’s take and were gonna kick your M1A1 butt all the way to the mexican border. Our muskets are primed and ready, had to borrow some bearings from the jeeps, kinda low on rounds… :-(…I’ll have to ask joe green how much powder ya put in these damn things though.

    command and control is state of the art, we have the new chunky soup cans with fishing line, and can transmitt sound for at least 100 yards…let’s see ya beat that eh..

    All in all it should be a fierce battle in our advantage. Our troops are in the best of shape cause we don’t allow them to run or do hard work in basic, saves there energy, and we all ride mad cows as there harder to take down then a horse…. so lets see ya beat that… 😉

  33. Oh yea, forgot to mention them planes(can’t spell either at this speed). All 80 of them are going to fly circles around ya, they really got no choice, the last round of budget cuts includded there ammo…. We would also send in the choppers, but we need them for the fall harvest. Best dang weed wackers ya ever seen!!… Subs are in the body shop, but there not really needed anyway, they just don’t seem to hold water as well as they should.. 🙁

  34. Before the war starts, let’s get our priorities straight – you’re not gonna put the bars off limits to the troops are you? I mean, that could be a morale issue (especially for the ones coming from Iraq).
    These are our demands!:
    1. Equal access to Canadian beer. We’ll pay of course, we’ll even tip (depending on the service anyway). But this demand cannot be negotiated away.
    2. Uh, we haven’t thought a second demand yet and we’re coming to the conclusion there isn’t one. Think of this as a placeholder.
    Finally, this isn’t so much a demand as just common sense – we want nothing to do with Quebec.

  35. howie meeker wrote:
    “Joe, you have no sense of humour at all.I also am not a neo-con.I was never a liberal, so do try to keep up.”
    Howie, stick to hockey.

  36. Uh….what makes you think your gonna win?

    Did you not visualize our awsume power?

    If you get this far, you can drink all the Molsons Canadian ya want, we usually drink Bud or Ricards Red. That Canadian stuff can be free otherwise we gotta flush it.

    Quebec? what’s that?.. is that the place were all the guys were dresses?… will dig a trench on the SK/MB border so they can’t swim across…

  37. OK, if it’s gotta be war, so be it. However, if we win, we absolutely refuse to take custody of Joe. That would defeat the whole purpose of winning, doncha see.
    We also absolutely refuse to take possession of Quebec. (I mean, what would we do with it?)
    The negotiations in respect to the beer and the settlement that has resulted from those negotiations meet our complete approval.

  38. Steel Turman wrote:
    “I’m just a dumb American but even I know Alberta has enough coal to keep this whole continent fired up for centuries.”
    What is it that fills you with pride at being dumb (your word, not mine)?
    Where did all the smart Americans go when the red necks appeared in the geological record?
    And what caused the actual extinction of smart Americans?

  39. Joe Green? … is he that talking mad cow running around here with a dress pretending to be a human?

    Ok, before we can start the war we just gotta take that thing out, from both sides. Damn can of raid isn’t as strong as it used to be.

    She/he is probably in quebec, that’s why we can’t find him/her…

  40. Hmmm….. slowly piecing this togethor, and have the strangest feeling that Joe Green’s real name is Angus, and he works in the psychology department in a university on the west coast….of course I would never reveal what floor and department he’s in, but would led me to this is OANET went bankrupt and was bought up by Modern Digital Communications out of Vancouver.

    Just a hunch of course…Joe…
