Reader Links

Hey folks. Kate writing from sunny North Carolina. There are daffodils here. Considering the snowplows we had to wait clear the runway in the stop in Regina, it’s an improvement.
No time to surf or blog, (or watch the news) so again, I’ll invite my readers to post any links to good news items or blog posts in the comments. And keep beating up on poor old Joe Green. He’s resilient, if nothing else!
My lucky seminar attendees are starting to congregate and I’m getting ready for the powerpoint presentation. (Topic is breeding, evaluating, training and grooming Miniature Schnauzers.)
Let the indoctrination begin!
And Kathy K. … if you’re surfing through. I’ve been trying to get hold of you!

54 Replies to “Reader Links”

  1. Ok, neither of us want Quebec, and neither of us want you-know-who. How about if we drop him out of a plane into Quebec?
    (“Hey, I thought YOU guys were gonna bring the parachute!” “No, that was your job” “Oh well, too late to worry about details”)

  2. …what caused the actual extinction of smart Americans?…
    They didn’t become extinct … they got pissed off at tyranny and complacency, of men and minds, moonbat. That’d be you Joe.

  3. “Real Health Miracles” if anybody is curious about that link. The sort of thing you usually see on a popup ad if that tells you anything.
