Reader Links

Well! If I had known this was so easy, I’d have stopped blogging a long time ago and just let the readers take over.
Spent today mostly resting up, a little shopping and getting very, very lost here in Raleigh, where the street system was designed by graduates of the Throw A Plate Of Spaghetti On the Floor School of Engineering.
News here seems to be wall to wall Terri Schiavo, (though my host just walked into the room and told me about the school shooting in Minnesota).
You folks know the drill by now – if you run across interesting links, post them in the comments. I’ll try to get online in the evenings, but it’s going to be 12 hour days at the shows for the next week, as I’m working for a handler friend to help offset the expenses and give myself something to do.
Unless I get fired, which is a distinct possibility.

11 Replies to “Reader Links”

  1. I have lived in the RTP (Raleigh) for 20 years and I still get lost. If you are in downtown Raleigh all you have to do is drive in one direction until you hit 440 (the Beltline). How are you enjoying the blue skies and the 65 degree temp? It is true we have it so hard in the south 🙂

  2. The weather here is beautiful, though they’re predicting rain for later this evening. Just like late May in Saskatchewan. Except for the dust storms.

  3. One of the more odious aspects of the Left�s moral posturing is its quickness to label anyone who has the nerve to disagree with them, �nazis�, �fascists�, �Hitler� and so on. I find that they are especially quick to pull out the �Hitler� gun when they are losing an arguement. I guess they think it�s a showstopper.

  4. Boing Boing has an infographic etc. on blogosphere traffic spikes.
    Kryptonite vs. tsunami?
