Get Out Of Canada

Andy Barrie of CBC radio has advice for a Canadian who takes issue with having to support a left wing network with tax dollars. Leave. (Which reminds me – when I get home, I must remember to call the CBC afternoon request line and get them to play a little Toby Keith.)

14 Replies to “Get Out Of Canada”

  1. play a little Toby Keith

    Relax Kate, we, Jay Greg and me, came to an agreement to protect SK and AB. It envolved hours of negotiating in the event they won the war, which probably niether one of us will show up for.

    After a comprehensive study of the situation, forming committies, who in turn submitted it for study, and having a referendum with all parties invloved, we came to the conclusion that the US would get FREE BEER of the Molson Canadian variety, and in turn we would have to consume an equal quantity of an equivelant beer with them for a party period of one calender year.

  2. I took Andy Barrie’s advice years ago, at least when it comes to my radio listening. It’s all WNED all the time.

  3. heck, he’s only repeating what canada’s former prime minister said a few years back when responding to questions about the brain drain to the US. barrie’s love it or leave it schtick is, unfortunately, mainstream amongst canadians. and, since we all know that the cbc is perfectly representative of da canaijun value, we marginal types should just keep our traps shut.

  4. Hilarious. Its da canajun values.
    The Gibberals appoint the right people to the CRTC to ensure the right people get the broadcast licences, they hire the right people to provide a wide diversity of opinion between communism and red toryism. If you disagree with that you are a bad canadian (yes, lower case the country has diminished that far)and you should leave the country.
    BTW talking about the “right” (should not that be lefty) people I see the Trudeau kid has a gig with Katimavik- did not we drive a stake through that boondoggles heart once! and Margaret (former)Trudeau is flying to and fro to Uganda on our dime for a group called WaterCan. Think about that-canada has hundreds maybe thousands of aboriginal and rural communities without safe drinking water but it is flying people with no visible technical ability half way around the globe to solve problems. Gah!
    And if we form a parallel NGO to solve sewage problems would that be called Sh*tCan??? Just asking.

  5. There are alleged to be lots of US lefties itching to emigrate to the Great White North Socialist Utopia. I think the 2 countires should work out an exchange program (our disgruntled Yank lefties for your unhappy Canuck righties).

  6. Interesting. As I recall, Barrie himself is either AWOL or a deserter from the US army who fled to Canada. I’m not sure when he did it.

  7. It would be interesting to know how many draft dodgers went into “the Arts” and education. It would explain a lot, especially in Toronto. Sorry I pulled a Joe Green with the WNED comment; I don’t listern to WNED which is just the CBC for Blue America. It’s WBEN.

  8. Say, Kate, did you know Toby Keith said this:
    “I’m pro-war on terror. Whether we should go from country to country, like with the Iraq thing, I don’t know. This ain’t as simple as Afghanistan. We’re going to Iraq for what? For terrorism? Have we seen any terrorist training camps? I haven’t seen the smoking gun. And the haven’t found the weapons of mass destruction.”

  9. I don’t care what he said. I just want to hear the pain in the voice of the CBC’s Lindy Thorson (sp?) when he readies to play “Angry American” on the People’s Network.

  10. Yea Cal,

    hopefully he dosen’t appeal it to death. They should have booted his chicken ass butt back the first day. He volunteered being of sound mind and yellow body, and now we gotta pay for it..
