
Skimming some of the comments sections today, it seems that my readers have taken it upon themselves to declare war on the US. Or is it just Arizona? I’m not certain, but combines[1] may be involved. That’s thinking outside the box.
The dog show went well enough – if you can call helping train a competitor’s puppy to walk much, much better than it did before, only to go reserve to it with my own dog well enough. A five point major, too. Urgh.
I’m such a moron.
[1] The latest in Canadian military psi ops

8 Replies to “Updating”

  1. On a more serious note – this may cheer ya up Kate, it’s the history of the “F” word:


    Warning – may be offensive to most

    Now back to that war. It’s gonna take a while to get to the border, we got the Tonka Tank Hauler stuck in the ditch outside Red Deer…. :-\

  2. Damn Kate, That psi ops exceeds the Canadian military budget, there going to have to raise taxes another 50% to cover it.

  3. I should also add, for our american freinds, that the CDN Military cut out of our 50% tax increase should amount to .0000000000001% of the total.

  4. From page A10 of today’s Ottawa Citizen.
    “Shopkeepers and residents on one of Baghdad’s main streets pulled out their own guns yesterday and killed three insurgents when hooded men began shooting at passersby, giving a rare victory to civilians increasingly frustrated by the violence affecting Iraq.”
    I guess they don’t have a gun registry in Iraq, yet. The hooligans in Toronto might think twice about their little drive by’s if they thought the locals were packin’.

  5. Reido’s comment makes me think of the urban legend about the stupid criminal who tries to rob a gun store in Texas, New Mexico, etc insert gun toting state here, With a marked cruiser out front and armed patrons inside. Do you really think these guys would still think twice when most of them haven’t thought once? A lot of the privately owned convenience stores in the US have a weapon behind the counter and yet they are still robbed or have attempts. Unfortunately the job description for hooligan does not require ability to think sanely as a requirement. This is the same in the Middle East, there was an article not so long ago about a call for suicide bombers and the turn out they had was over whelming by western standards. Do you really think the armed insurgents are going to give a rat�s ass if the whole market place was armed or not. It hasn�t stopped them in LA, Detroit, Syria etc. Why would it stop them in Baghdad?

  6. If there was an essential certainty that the prey would be armed, even dipshit criminals would know better (their crooks because they are dumb and think its the easy way, but they aren’t entirely braindead).

  7. The difference is the terrorists are accustomed to shooting people who don’t shoot back, armed or not. If this is a trend, the Iraqi’s are transforming from a nation of armed sheep to a nation of armed – well, Texans, sort of.
