James Roszko’s “Twenty Plants”

Sean at Pol:Spy has done a bang up job of unravelling the James Roszko grow-op story. For all of the “my illegal pot smoking didn’t kill those police officers – someone else’s stolen trucks did” defensiveness in the media and punditry in the confusing days following the murders, it seems the initial report was closer to the truth. The quonset was outfitted with water tanks, a $30,000 generator and close to 300 plants – with nary an engine puller to be seen.
Once the “only twenty plants” meme took hold, it appears that the major media outlets simply did their investigative journalism while reading someone else’s paper over the morning coffee. Quite the little echo chamber they turned out to be.

14 Replies to “James Roszko’s “Twenty Plants””

  1. This and your previous artical are becoming so typical of MSM and the Lib’s down playing everything. It really SUCKS living in a country were the criminals RULE. Damn, now I need another beer….

  2. He was a dabbler, a jack of all criminal trades,who could chop a car, then chop some weed.

  3. Kate, the bigger revelation ignored by the MSM about Roszko wasn’t the size of his grow-op, it was his criminal record as a sex-offender – he apparently had a thing for teenage boys.
    Frankly, I’m surprised this little tidbit HASN’T been seized on by the MSM because, of course, it so nicely fits the present conventional thought that society is to blame, to wit, if we weren’t so homophobic and did more to embrace those smitten with the “love that dare not speak its name”, the Roszkos of the world might not feel as compelled to ambush and slaughter people. Yet ANOTHER compelling argument for SS”M”!

  4. Hey firewall, you’re frothing at the mouth again. I’d put this down as a compelling argument for executing child molesters and parting out their organs to people that would put them to better use. I don’t particularly care if the child molester in question is straight or gay.

  5. If I can’t froth here, where can I froth?
    At the risk of appearing to disagree with you on what should be done to child molesters, I’d simply point out that Roszko WASN’T one – he was attracted to individuals that, in this country, were old enough to consent.
    I’m not trying to steer this thread into SS”M”, your views on which you have made known here and on other blogs. I just find it curious (actually I don’t) that, of all the things that have emerged about Roszko in the weeks since his cowardly act of slaughter (his parents split up, he bounced around between his mother, father and foster homes, he dropped out of school, he hated authority, he shot at trespassers, his grow-op was bigger than first reported) the thing about him that, IMO, people would find the most perverse – that he was a middle-aged man that liked sex with teenage boys – has largely been ignored or overlooked by the MSM.

  6. “…he was attracted to individuals that, in this country, were old enough to consent.”
    The age of consent laws in this country are an abomination. At 14 you are still a child and not qualified to make that sort of decision. Indeed, there is compelling medical evidence that the dorsal-lateral prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that governs risky behavior, doesn’t fully develop until around age 25. If we’re going to have age of consent laws, that’s the direction they should be pushed in. Same with voting and driving, thank you.
    The bottom line for me is that Roszko was a piece of crap child molester and should have been blown away years ago. Any older male who thinks that my own daughter is ‘legal’ once she turns fourteen will find out to his considerable dismay exactly how much regard I have for that law as I’m cutting off his balls and feeding them to him.
    I truly don’t give a damn what consenting adults do, but if it’s under 18 it’s not a consenting adult so far as I’m concerned, and I feel that I’m being generous.

  7. Okay, fine, Roszko was a child molester by your definition, Sean. So what’s your explanation as to why this seemingly salient fact about him has escaped the notice of the MSM?

  8. “So what’s your explanation as to why this seemingly salient fact about him has escaped the notice of the MSM?”
    I’m guessing it’s because the MSM approves of that sort of activity. That or they’re just plain incompetent. (Pick one.)

  9. “But if you’re caught with a picture of a naked 14 year old?”
    Please be more specific. Is the picture explicitly pornographic (full view of genitals and subject has ankles tucked behind ears) or artistic in nature (e.g. work of David Hamilton and J. Sturges)??. Is the picture of an actual living breathing person, or is it a creation from the mind of a person (painting or computer art)?
    Add some meat to your question and I’ll think about answering it. 🙂

  10. I don’t care if it was twenty, three hundred or three thousand plants. Marijuana should be as legal as Molson. Let dope smokers generate profits for decent people the way beer drinkers do. Let’s cut scumbags out of the easy black market money.

  11. “Marijuana should be as legal as Molson.” WTF? A more definate line needs to be drawn on the use, and sale of any mind altering pruducts… Including Molson…

  12. People talk about all he did and wonder why he wasn’t in jail and the justice system. But if LAWYERS were more interested in justice not i,s doted @ t,s crossed anything to get their client off. Nothing to do with what they do or did.
    In Calgary a person was just charged with a hit and run where the person died They caught the person boarding a plane in Toronto for the UK. But the LAWYER argued for bail and got it saying his client was afine member of the community and no flight risk. I GUESS RUNNING AND FLYING WERE JUST HOBBIES

  13. I live in mayerthorpe, though i never knew james rosko the world is probably a better place without him here,the guy grew some dope i dont think that the issue here,he was a child molesting lunatic who went around threating people with guns ,and the thing that led to his demise was not paying for a pickup truck oh well .just to bad four officers had to die in the process
