12 Replies to “Cook At 375 Degrees For 260 Hours”

  1. Hmmm.. a 1200 lb turkey…. would that be Paul or Ann?? …

    Hopefully the do get some DNA, create a clone, then we can elect Mr. Rex to go to Ottawa.

  2. Before I went to the link and read the story I thought someone was going to try and clone Michael Moore…

  3. Well, you managed to screw up my michael moore comment (mine was along the lines of a fear that 70 million years from now the human race would discover his remains).

  4. Speaking of the PMO, Alberta got the latest news on the Dinasour tax, i mean Kyoto tax. They are trying to sneak in a provision in the budget to declare CO2 emissions as a toxic gas, and there for can be taxed and regulated by the envrionment department and not the house of parliment. This way they can impose HEAVY TAXES on emitters, primarily Alberta and not have to go through a debate.

    Look for MAJOR FIREWORKS in the next few weeks over this and the senate appointments with the PM declaring certain people conservative and others NDP, when there all Liberal.

    If any other country did these things we would have immediately declared SANCTIONS on them.

    Canada under these conditions can go to HELL!

  5. Lessee here. They want to tax CO2 emissions. When you exhale, you emit Co2. So, that means the gubmint has finally decided to tax the air you breathe.
    I’m such a proud Canadian….

  6. Yea, butt Roy, the addition to the budget yesterday, and the way it’s worded, means that they can crank the taxes at any time, anywhere, and don’t have to get approval to do it. Thus, total protection for the minority gov., and no protection for the air you breath unless your a card carrying, corruption donating liberal.

  7. The rest of the former communist countries are voting for democracy and their leaders are fleeing so maybe it’s our turn and our P.M. could apply for political asylum in Crawford Texas.Don’t you just love the idea.

  8. Yes, the ideas great. Hopefully there’s a tree with a rope that can hold a 1200 lb turkey there…

  9. we need more co2 not less

    Your right Doug, this is just a money scam, and all the earth models I’ve read up have never taken into consideration that the Earths eliptical is in a cycle of increasing over the next 20k years. Help me out here, but if were moving away from the sun we kinda need a lot more CO2 to try and stay warm.

    Not to mention all the crap spread about the flawed hockey stick garbage.
