Looking For JR

“Bush’s spread lacks Southfork flash”
An actual headline, from the Globe and Mail – a proud member of the Canadian media establishment that is far too sophisticated to view the world through the distorted lens of American TV.

This may be Texas and President George W. Bush may like to walk with a bit of a regional swagger but his new house is no Southfork, the over-the-top pile of the Ewings on TV’s Dallas. Instead, it is a low-slung building with a large wraparound porch that appears to fit effortlessly into the landscape.

None of the rest is worth bothering with. Waste of electrons.

4 Replies to “Looking For JR”

  1. Southfork was tacky as hell.All those grown family members still livin’ with Mama in an atmosphere of overipe southron gothic.

  2. Next in the Globe’s series will be a profile of a rural southern family who moved to California and oddly enough, don’t live in a huge mansion with a cement pond in the back. Followed by the strange case of a millionaire philanthropist with no secret identity and no batcave under his house. On Sunday the Science and Technology supplement will present the startling theories of an anthropologist who speculates that paleolithic humans didn’t travel around in stone-wheeled automobiles, and may not have had cameras which used tiny birds to peck out pictures on flat rocks.

  3. LOL.. I think that tourists can still go look at the Southfork spread. Of course, I’ve never bothered, myself…
    I saw this article about Ralph Klein opening an office in Washington, “PM no help in border spat, Klein says in Washington.”
    I was pleased to see he likes Bush and Cheney, and I was glad the office opened.
    What I was wondering about is the timing. He announced the opening in Washington within days of Martin’s trip to Crawford and made some critical remarks about the PM.
    Was the close timing between the office opening and the PM’s trip a coincidence, or was it for a purpose? Was it done to make a statement that Alberta is pro-American in the face of Paul Martin’s policies? Or was it simply a way to capitalize on the PM’s trip for greater exposure?
