Terry Schiavo: Where Is Hillary?

David Frum is noticing how quiet prominent Democrats are on the Terri Schiavo case.

Democrats have long prided themselves on their superior compassion. And yet it is impossible to avoid hearing contempt, disdain, and cruelty in the comments of many of those who want to terminate Terri Schiavo’s life. Laura Ingraham is airing battery of troubling quotations on her radio show every day. Did Maureen Dowd of the New York Times really compare Terri Schiavo to the corpse in the weird-teen comedy, “Weekend with Bernie?” Did Jonathan Alter of Newsweek actually describe people in vegatative states as “drooling idiots”? American society is evolving toward ever higher degrees of protection of the vulnerable and the disabled. It is odd to see the self-describedly compassionate endorse death by starvation for this highly vulnerable and extremely disabled woman. That attitude is bound to lead to doubts about the moral integrity of everything else that such people say and do. No wonder that shrewd Democrats are ducking and hiding.

(Heart of Canada has been following the story closely for weeks, for those interested in more in depth material and discussion on the Schiavo case.)

6 Replies to “Terry Schiavo: Where Is Hillary?”

  1. Hillary is apparently unable to make up her mind which position in this case will get her the most votes.

  2. They’re just demonstrating their comfort with the concept of disposable people. From womb to tomb.

  3. John Couey…CONVICTED felon…24 arrests on various charges…”allegedly” confessed to the kidnapping and murder last week of Jessica Lunsford, age 9, in Florida. On SUICDIE WATCH.
    Terri Schiavo…INNOCENT…no known arrests…possibly the victim of an attempted murder … In Florida on DEATH WATCH.
    Situation FUBAR.
    I am no religious zealot…I don’t even believe in organized religion…but my faith tells me that this is no as it should be. This cannot be God’s plan.

  4. Governor Bush is Terri’s last hope and he has the constitutional authority to put an end to this right now. Alan Keyes writes an explanation of how the separation of powers and the checks and balances between the 3 branches of government can be used to defend justice against situations of judicial tyranny, which this clearly is. read it here

  5. According to the audio clips I heard on, I think, Hewitt’s show, Alter’s exact words were “slobbering idiot.” Which is wrong on the factual level as well, since Schiavo was capable of swallowing her own saliva.
