Cable News On Blogs

Patrick Ruffini doesn’t think much of CNN’s Inside The Blogs segment of Inside Politics. Hugh Hewitt had similar comments about the clueless nature of their coverage when I was listening in Denver last month.

How do they report on the fun, exciting, technologically-savvy world of blogging? By having two on-air reporters read printouts from selected blogs to each other. Bloggers’ opinions are treated as a world onto themselves. No critical comment is ever made. The worst part is that it’s disturbingly similar to way viewer e-mail is presented on air: uncritically, as just another voice in a loud cacophony, and oh! — aren’t we special for airing our viewers’ e-mail and blogs?

That’s about right.

6 Replies to “Cable News On Blogs”

  1. Western civilization was changed when the Church of Rome lost it’s monopoly control of religion. When average citizens no longer had the filter of a priest interpreting Chritianity to them but could read the Bible in their own language, the Vatican’s jig was up.
    Blogs and bloggers could well change society in the same manor and to the same degree.
    We live in interesting times.

  2. I believe the Vatican even anticipated the memo. Do you recall something called the Inquisition?
    My point was that, they lost their monopoly control.
    Didn’t mean to cast aspersions.
    Happy Easter.

  3. No critical comment is ever made.”?….never read the comments sections of a blog ,have they? heh heh.
