13 Replies to “Ask The Imam”

  1. These women, and that whole group, should get the silver star for this. I’ve read a lot and watched the insurgent video(yea, they were taping it), and they did exactly what they were suppose to. When your ambushed, you immediately attack.

  2. This bit of news kind of casts that old Canadian standard “American Woman” in a whole new light. Eh?

  3. Howie, they’d bring there little M82A1A hit the dirt before the gopher and burn everything behind it. I could use one of them there things…

  4. Considering they are national guard (not regular army), they are MP’s (not infantry or normally recognized combat-ready groups) and they are women, can you visualize a group even remotely as well-trained and equipped in our canadian forces? Bill Graham would pee his pants.
    This is not a commentary of our proud soldiers. They can do as well or better if equipped and trained for combat roles – the truth is our Glibberal leaders do NOT want that.

  5. Thanks for the post. Never quarrel with a woman.
    Gosh, does Billy garham(sic) wear pants?
    Seriously, this is super stuff. Go George Bush.
    Another serious question: Why is the PPCLI not in Iraq? Those ….. Lieberals, I know.
    Serious question, another: Why is Canada on the sidelines? Again, those *&^##@@ Lieberals & PM PM, aka Mr. Dithers/Gomery corruption and pantsy garham(sic) & etc.

  6. not to take anything away from the women,
    but what has changed in iraq since the election.
    its a mess.and it will be for perhaps decades.

  7. Like S. Korea after the Korean war? Like Germany after WWII? Like the south after the Civil War?
    Yep, in all those cases, we should have left right away.

  8. The Iraq people are now standing up and exposing the insurgants, so as they catch them in volumes, as in the last couple day’s, the cool down will come fast.

    There’s probably less people dying now daily, then under Saddam’s reign. The left, in it’s infinite wisdom, still refuses to acknowledge that bush was CORRECT!

  9. No probably to it. The numbers I’ve seen say Saddam was killing between 200 and 1000 Iraqis every day. The most common number was 700.
    Even taking the low number, when was the last time you heard the press brag about 200 dead Iraqis in one day?

  10. Michael: “not to take anything away from the women,
    but what has changed in iraq since the election.
    its a mess.and it will be for perhaps decades.”
    Everything has changed. Take another look.
