Academic Intolerance At University Of Toronto

Over 100 academics have signed a letter calling for the censorship of Daniel Pipes.
Globe And Mail;

A visit today to the University of Toronto by a controversial U.S. scholar of the Middle East is causing an uproar among academics and students, who say that “hate, prejudice and fear-mongering” do not have a place on campus.
In an unusual move, more than 80 professors and graduate students wrote an open letter pointing out that Mr. Pipes has a “long record of xenophobic, racist and sexist [speeches] that goes back to 1990.” […] “Genuine academic debate requires an open and free exchange of ideas in an atmosphere of mutual respect and tolerance. We . . . are committed to academic freedom and we affirm Pipes’ right to speak at our university,” the letter states. “However, we strongly believe that hate, prejudice, and fear-mongering have no place on this campus.”

Signed by the Faculty of the U of T Dep’t for Intolerance and Censorship:
1. Prof. Jens Hanssen, Dpts of History and Near and Middle East Civilizations
2. Prof. Carol Chin, Dpt. of History and International Relations Programme
3. Prof. Rick Halpern, Dpt. of History and American Studies
4. Prof. Paul Kingston, Dpt. of Political Science and Near and Middle East Civilizations
5. Prof. Melanie Newton, Dpt. of History and Caribbean Studies

6. Prof. Amir Hassanpour, Dpt. of Near and Middle East Civilizations
7. Prof. emeritus Chandler Davis, Dpt. of Mathematics
8. Prof. emerita Natalie Zemon Davis, Dpt. of History
9. Blair Kuntz, Librarian, Robarts Library
10. Prof. Kenneth Mills, Dpt. of History and Latin American Studies
11. Prof. Michael Gervers, Dpt. of History and Medieval Studies
12. Dr. Amal Ghazal, Dpt. of History
13. Prof. Lynne Viola, Dpt. of History and Russian Studies
14. Prof. Derek Williams, Dpt. of History and Latin American Studies
15. Prof. Michael Wayne, Dpt. of History and American Studies
16. Prof. Daniel Bender, Dpt. of History, and American Studies
17. Prof. Alissa Trotz, Dpts. of Sociology and Equity Studies, Institute for Women’s Studies and Gender Studies
18. Prof. Michael Lambek, Dpt. of Anthropology and Social Sciences
19. Prof. Roger Simon, Dpt. of Sociology and Equity Studies
20. Prof. Stephen Rockel, Dpt. of History and African Studies
21. Prof. Joseph Carens, Dpt. of Political Science
22. Prof. Sara Salih, Dpt. of English
23. Prof. Wambui Mwangi Dpt of Political Science and African Studies
24. Prof. Megan Boler, Theory and Policies Studies, OISE
25. Prof. Sara Abraham, Dpt. of Sociology, UTM
26. Prof. Peter Fitting, French and Cinema Studies
27. Prof. Maureen Ford, OISE
28. Prof. Denise Reaume, Faculty of Law
29. Prof. Emeritus Mel Watkins, Dpts. of Economics and Political Science
30. Prof. Andreas Motsch, Dpt. of French Studies and Literary Studies Program
31. Prof. Audrey Macklin, Faculty of Law
32. Dr. Livia Varga, Dpt. of Humanities, UTSC
33. Prof. Thomas Lahusen, Dept. of History & Centre for Comparative Literature
34. Prof. Kanishka Goonewardena, Department of Geography and South Asian Studies
35. Prof. Nancy S. Jackson, Adult Education and Community Development, OISE
36. Prof. Jennifer Mori, Dpt. of History
37. Prof. Vassos Hadzilacos, Department of Computer Science
38. Prof. Gopal Sreenivasan, Dpt. of Philosophy
39. Prof. Frank Cunningham, Philosophy and Political Science
40. Prof. Peter Rosenthal, Department of Mathematics
41. Prof. Shahrzad Mojab, Institute for Women’s Studies and Gender Studies, Department of Adult Education and Counselling Psychology, OISE
42. University Professor Richard B. Lee, Dpt of Anthropology.
43. Prof. emeritus Jonathan Barker Dpt of Political Science
44. Prof. Lisa Jeffrey, Mathematics Dpt.
45. Prof. Jennifer Jenkins, Dpt. of History
46. Prof. Andrew Watson, Dpt. of Economics
47. Prof. Matthew Price, Dpt. of History
48. Prof. Nhung Tuyet Tran, Dept. of History
49. Prof. Michelle Murphy, Dept of History, Institute for Women’s Studies and Gender Studies
50. Prof. Paul A. Hamel, Faculty of Medicine
51. Prof. Eric Hehner, Bell Chair in Software Engineering, Dpt. of Computer Science
52. Prof. Geoffrey Hinton, Dpt. of Computer Science
53. Prof. Rinaldo Walcott, Canada Research Chair of Social Justice and Cultural Studies
54. Prof. Gavin Smith, Dpt. of Anthropology
55. Prof. Cynthia Wright, Institute for Women’s Studies, UofT and YorkU
56. Amina Mire, Ph.D. cand, Dpt. Sociology and Equity Studies, Institute for Women’s Studies and Gender Studies
57. Prof. Emeritus James A. Graff, Dpt. of Philosophy
58. George Dei, Dpt. of Sociology and Equity Studies, OISE
59. Prof. William Walker, Dpt. of History and International Relations
60. Prof. Harriet Friedmann, Dpt. of Sociology
61. Prof. Linda Northrup, Dpt. of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
62. Prof. Malavika Kasturi, Dpt. of History
63. Prof. Mary Nyquist, Dpt. of English and Women’s/Gender Studies
64. Prof. Emeritus, Martin Klein, Dpt. of History
65. Prof. Arti Dhand, Dpt. and Centre for the Study of Religion
66. Ola M. Szczecinska, Dpt. of History
67. Sophie Afriat, Dpt. of History
68. Jiri Smrz, Ph.D. cand., Dpt. of History and Russian and Eastern European Studies
69. Deb Neill, Ph.D. cand, Dpt. of History
70. Mostafa Minawi, Dpt. of History
71. Matthew Shogilev, Dpt of History
72. Whitney Kemble, Dpt. of History
73. Chris Ernst, Dpt. of History
74. Aleksandra Luczak, Dpt. of History
75. Marsha Reid, Dpt. of History
76. Auri Berg, Dpt. of History
77. Cara Spittal, Dpt. of History
78. Hazem Jamjoum, Faculty of Law and Dpt. of Political Science
79. Asya El-meehy, PhD cand., Dpt. of Political Science
80. Katie Edwards, PhD cand., Dpt. of History
81. Gokce Yurdakul, PhD cand. Dpt. of Sociology
82. Prof. Allan Greer, Dpt. of History
83. Prof. Glenn Adams, Dpt. of Psychology, UTSC
84. Scott Trevithick, PhD. cand., Dpt. of History
85. Andre Schmid, University of Toronto
86. Jamie Magnusson, Dept. Theory and Policy Studies, OISE/UT
87. David Galbraith, Department of English
88. Dr. Roxana Ng, Dept. of Adul Education & counselling Psychology, OISE/UT
89. Dr. Jasmin Zine, Department of Sociology and Equity Studies in Education, OISE
90. Jeff Bowersox, PhD cand., Dpt. of History
91. Dr. Rachel Gorman, Dept. of Humanities, UTSC
92. Daniel Schugurensky, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto (OISE/UT)
93. Prof. Sam Gindin, Packer Chair in Social Justice, York University
94. Julia Sudbury, Canada Research Chair in Social Justice, Equity and Diversity, Faculty of Social Work.
95. John S. Saul, Professor Emeritus, Political Science, York University
96. Sherene Razack, Ph.d, Professor, Sociology and Equity Studies in Education, OISE
97. Katharine N. Rankin, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Program in Planning
98. Greg Albo, Political Science, York University
99. Prof. Richard Roman (retired), Sociology Dept.
100. John Valleau, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry
101. David Clandfield, French and Cinema Studies
102. Professor Derek Paul, Vice-President, Science for Peace
103. Reg Whitaker, Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus, York University
104. Prof. Andrew Payne, Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design
105. Prof. Daniel Heath Justice, Dept. of English and Aboriginal Studies
106. Prof. Zoe Newman, Women’s Studies and Gender Studies

12 Replies to “Academic Intolerance At University Of Toronto”

  1. Wow, look at all the useless degrees (unless you use it to teach). Not much in the line of hard science on that list.

  2. “However, we strongly believe that hate, prejudice and fear-mongering have no place on this campus.”
    So, um, does this mean that they will all be handing in their resignations?

  3. I bet these unhateful types support affirmative action programs.
    We support freedom of speach as long as you agree with us!

  4. The Globe and Mail mentions

    The Globe and Mail mentions a letter supported by more than 80 professors and graduate students at the University of Toronto (Canada’s largest university) calling for the censorship of Daniel Pipes, director of the Philadelphia-based Middle East Forum …

  5. However, we strongly believe that hate, prejudice, and fear-mongering have no place on this campus.
    Liars. Boy, not only does “hate, prejudice and fear-mongering” have a place on campus, it teaches there and draws a paycheck.

  6. There is a Vice President, Science for Peace? How lame do you have to be not to be embarrassed by that title?
    Personally, I’d rather be the Executive Director, Science for Blowing Shit Up.

  7. I nominate Sean E for Executive Director, Science for Blowing Shit Up……..would anyone like to second the motion…

    Hmmm, guess it’s that easy..

  8. French , Cinema studies!!!
    Ok that was a Jerry Louise flick and here’s a Roman Polansky piece of shit.
    Don’t forget to sign the attendance roster before you walk out, and quite bogarting the joints in the back.
    Hey Phil ferme the lights.

  9. I second that, and further move that I am the Professor emeritus program for the department of the faculty’s distinguished research chair of elitism.
    You need not reply, you hateful little bitches

  10. Couldn’t help but notice 2 of the name rinaldo walcott and alyssa trotz themselves have complaints about the abuse of 450 children at a local school. Looks a lot like a double standard to me. Do any of these people who freeload at taxpayer exepense actually do any work.

  11. wow you guys have serious problems with academics. a subject for an interesting study.
