Is That A Pistol In Your Sleeve?

Russian doctors have conducted an 11-hour operation to replace a patient�s deformed penis with one grown on his forearm, the Moskovskiy Komsomolets daily reports.
The 30-year-old Russian man, whose name was changed in the article to protect his privacy, had a defect from birth � his penis was crooked, two-and-a-half-inches long and lacked a scrotum, the newspaper writes.
The doctors had the penis removed and attached to the man�s arm. Using his body tissue it grew to six-and-a-half inches and was sewn back on to his groin.

It must have made for some interesting handshakes.

3 Replies to “Is That A Pistol In Your Sleeve?”

  1. You’ll know that they’ve upped the anti from 6 1/2 if long sleeve shirts and jackets become fashionable this summer.
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