To State The Question Is To Answer It

From Hansard,

Mr. Stockwell Day (Okanagan�Coquihalla, CPC): Mr. Speaker, according to Unicef and other international groups, the Tamil Tigers forcibly recruit children and train them to become suicide bombers. Unicef has recorded over 3,500 cases like this.
In Canada the Tamil Tigers raise funds. Our allies, many other governments, have made it a matter of their foreign policy to ban the Tamil Tigers. The recruitment of children has continued even after the tsunami. Why will our government not ban this group?
Hon. Dan McTeague (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, the LTTE has been listed in Canada pursuant, as the hon. member knows, to Canada’s United Nations suppression of terrorism regulations since 2001.
I want to point out to the hon. member that this listing makes it an offence for persons in Canada or Canadians outside of Canada to provide funds to the Tamil Tigers, as well as fundraising on its behalf. The hon. member clearly knows this. We will continue on that assumption because it is the right thing to do.
Mr. Stockwell Day (Okanagan�Coquihalla, CPC): Mr. Speaker, that is a separate list and the member well knows that. That is not the list we are
talking about in terms of banning the Tamil Tigers.
I will refer to comments made by a former director of Canada’s intelligence service. He said that our government’s policy of not banning the Tamil Tigers, and they are not banned under the classification that the member just mentioned, even puts the good people of the Tamil community in Canada here at risk. The Tamil Tigers as a group are not banned in Canada.
What does a terrorist group have to do that is more horrific than train
children to become suicide bombers in order to be banned in this country?
Hon. Dan McTeague (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign
Affairs, Lib.)
: Mr. Speaker, to state the question is to answer it.
The hon. member knows full well that the government is concerned about
terrorism. It is one of the reasons we have spent a considerable amount of
money toward ensuring that we have safe and secure borders.
The hon. member also understands that there are, in essence, certain
considerations that he is taking into account, including the concern we all
have to ensure that the people of Tamil origin in this country are not
treated as if they are all terrorists.
The hon. member has the same objective that we do, which is to ensure
that we keep a safe country and to work hard to ensure that in Canada we
keep security as the number one issue.

To put it another way – all a terrorist group needs to do to remain off the banned list in Canada is to continue supporting the Liberal Party.

3 Replies to “To State The Question Is To Answer It”

  1. Dan McTeague: Paul…Paul… me out here….I can only decieve people so long, you may not be able to go to the annual dinner this year!

    Paul: You screw it up Dan, and I’ll have your head, my ships move a lot of weapons and arms for that group, and I make a lot of cash, so you make up what ever you have to to keep them off the list.
